
Independent Media Institute

The Independent Media Institute (IMI) is a nonprofit organization that educates the public through a diverse array of independent media projects and programs. IMI works with journalists and media outlets to shine a spotlight on stories that are vital to the public interest, using multiple media formats and distribution channels.

Why We Need to Democratize Wealth—The U.S. Capitalist Model Breeds Selfishness and Resentment

Throughout its history—wherever it arrived and settled in as the dominant economic system—capitalism provoked struggles over the redistribution of wealth. In other words, this system always distributes wealth in a particular way and likewise produces dissatisfaction with that particular distribution.…

It’s Past Time to End U.S. Funding of Israeli Violence

What else could billions of American tax dollars buy instead of innocent deaths? By Sonali Kolhatkar At the end of 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic was continuing to ravage the populations of many nations, Israel stood out as a success…

Why We Must Prevent the U.S. From Launching a Hybrid War Against China

U.S. President Joe Biden’s budget proposal for the next fiscal year was recently announced, and it requests $715 billion for his first Pentagon budget, 1.6 percent more than the $704 billion enacted under Trump’s administration. The outline states that the…

If We Don’t Protect 30% of the Natural World by 2030, Earth May Be Unfit for Life

We are to blame for the biggest extinction event in human history. But there is a solution if we take urgent action now. By Reynard Loki The natural world is in a state of crisis, and we are to blame.…

Is Colombia’s Military Displacing Peasants to Protect the Environment or Sell Off Natural Resources?

Corporations, not wildlife, stand to benefit from the emptied lands. By Justin Podur Colombia witnessed a series of mass protests at the end of April following a call for a national strike in the city of Cali. Still ongoing, the…

How Bill Gates Set the Stage for Modi’s Disastrous Response to COVID-19 in India

India’s incompetent, vainglorious leadership, combined with the right-wing belief in magical capitalism, has led to the disaster that the country is now facing. By Prabir Purkayastha While the incompetence of the Indian government is starkly visible in its handling of…

Mismanagement of the COVID-19 Crisis Increases Food Insecurity in India and Brazil

As Indians continue to scramble for survival through a deadly second COVID-19 wave and deal with an inadequate health care system that has failed them at every step, for a majority of the country living in rural areas and in…

Colombia’s Leaders Want to Stain Their Country with the Blood of the Working Class

In the face of a state that assassinates its own people, the Colombian people remain on the streets and continue resisting. By Laura Capote and Zoe Alexandra As police and military forces in Colombia use violence to try to repress…

Why the PRO Act Is a Game-Changer for Labor and the Economy

A comprehensive labor bill would give workers a level playing field to organize for their rights—if Senate Democrats can muster enough votes. By Sonali Kolhatkar Among the many reasons behind the recent failure of Amazon warehouse workers in Bessemer, Alabama,…

United States Withdraws From Afghanistan? Not Really

The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 was criminal. It was criminal because of the immense force used to demolish Afghanistan’s physical infrastructure and to break open its social bonds. By Noam Chomsky and Vijay Prashad On October 11,…

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