
Independent Media Institute

The Independent Media Institute (IMI) is a nonprofit organization that educates the public through a diverse array of independent media projects and programs. IMI works with journalists and media outlets to shine a spotlight on stories that are vital to the public interest, using multiple media formats and distribution channels.

Ecuador’s Neoliberal Government Announces State Emergency to Impose Austerity

On October 18, 2021, Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso declared a state of emergency for 60 days. This declaration led to the constitutional rights of Ecuadorian nationals being suspended and heavily armed troops flooding the streets in Ecuador. The immediate reason…

Why Julian Assange’s Inhumane Prosecution Imperils Justice for Us All

When I first saw Julian Assange in Belmarsh prison, in 2019, shortly after he had been dragged from his refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy, he said, “I think I am losing my mind.” By John Pilger He was gaunt and…

Why the Troubled U.S. Empire Could Quickly Fall Apart

The U.S. wars lost in Iraq and Afghanistan showed imperial overreach beyond what even 20 years of war could manage. That the defeats were drawn out for so many years shows that domestic politics and the funding of the domestic…

How U.S. Interference in Cuba Creates a False Picture of Its Society

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) appears to be obsessed with Cuba. Every few days he takes to social media or makes remarks to the press about his desire to overthrow the Cuban Revolution. In recent months, Rubio has played a…

How a False Narrative Against Government Spending Shapes Legislation

The contents of the Build Back Better bill are extremely popular. But the relentless conservative propaganda against the bill requires a concerted effort to reshape the narrative. By Sonali Kolhatkar The unfolding drama over a legislative battle within the Democratic…

Chile Is at the Dawn of a New Political Era

“It feels like we are at the end of an era,” Bárbara Sepúlveda tells me on October 12, 2021. Sepúlveda is a member of Chile’s Constitutional Convention and of the Communist Party of Chile. The era to which Sepúlveda refers…

Why Record Numbers of Workers Are Quitting and Striking

Taken together with a sharp increase in union strikes, the mass resignations of individuals indicate a deep worker dissatisfaction across the nation. By Sonali Kolhatkar On September 14, a young woman in Louisiana named Beth McGrath posted a selfie Facebook…

What Kind of a Threat Is Russia?

On no subject is the bipartisan consensus more unshakable than on the Russian threat. By James W. Carden In his latest book, The Stupidity of War: American Foreign Policy and the Case for Complacency, American political scientist John Mueller demonstrates…

The U.S. Killer Drone Program Stays Afloat on the Back of Lies and Pentagon Propaganda

A wrongly targeted Afghan aid worker and his family are among the latest casualties. By Leonard C. Goodman On August 29, in the final days of our 20-year occupation of Afghanistan, the United States launched a drone strike, firing a…

Afghanistan Tackles the Islamic State

On October 8, a terrible blast struck the worshippers attending Friday noon prayers at the Gozar-e-Sayed Abad Mosque in the Khan Abad district of Bandar, the capital of Kunduz, one of Afghanistan’s largest cities in its northern belt. This is…

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