
Independent Media Institute

The Independent Media Institute (IMI) is a nonprofit organization that educates the public through a diverse array of independent media projects and programs. IMI works with journalists and media outlets to shine a spotlight on stories that are vital to the public interest, using multiple media formats and distribution channels.

Western-Led Globalization Might End, but the New Globalization Might Have an Eastern Face

An article written by authors John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge for Bloomberg on March 24 sounded the alarm to announce the end of “the second great age of globalization.” The Western trade war and sanctions against China that predated the…

Societies Can Prevent Wars From Starting—and the Future of Humanity Requires Peace

Experts in peace and conflict studies explain the scientific evidence that societies can choose peace, and that warfare is also a choice, not a necessity. By April M. Short Humanity’s future existence hinges on cooperation on a global scale. The…

The Role of Capitalism in the War in Ukraine

To the motives for war in human history, capitalism added another: profit. That motive drove technological advancement and created a genuine world economy. It also built new capitalist empires such as the Spanish, Dutch, British, French, Belgian, Russian, German, Japanese,…

America’s Hypocrisy over Ukraine and ‘Spheres of Influence’

The Russian invasion of Ukraine “is in many ways bigger than Russia, it’s bigger than Ukraine,” State Department spokesman Ned Price recently declared. “There are principles that are at stake here … Each and every country has a sovereign right…

‘We Will Prevail’: A Conversation With Cuba’s President Miguel Díaz-Canel

In 1994, Miguel Díaz-Canel began a new position in Santa Clara, not far from his birthplace of Placetas, as the provincial secretary of the Cuban Communist Party. He set aside the air-conditioned car given to him and went to work…

How One Organization Is Helping to Grow Cooperative Businesses in New York City

Green Worker Cooperatives nurtures co-op startups in the South Bronx. By Aric Sleeper Mention a worker cooperative or a cooperatively owned business in casual conversation, and most people will be left scratching their heads and will need some elaboration on…

How Corporate Media Has Put the American Public in a State of Ukraine-Russia Psychosis

There is a growing psychosis sweeping the U.S. around the Russian bombardment of Ukraine, and it is being triggered by the legacy news media. The steady stream of biased, often erroneous or incomplete information spewing from the establishment press is…

Why the U.S. Culture of Colonial Extraction Is Making People Sick and Destroying the Planet

Rupa Marya, a physician and musician, studies how social structures impact health. She says colonial capitalism fractures the critical relationships that keep us healthy. By April M. Short A widespread culture of isolation and disconnection from our bodies, each other…

It’s Time for Charles Koch to Testify About His Climate Disinformation Campaign

For more than two decades, Koch-controlled foundations spent more than $160 million to stymie government action on climate change. By Elliott Negin The U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee kicked off its investigation of the fossil fuel industry’s decades-long climate…

The West’s Fanaticism Over Blaming ‘Evil’ Putin Misses the Point—and an Opportunity for a Lasting Peace

Pointing fingers won’t help—an attitude shift is what the world needs now. By Erika Schelby The old long war in Afghanistan has barely ended and already there is a new one, this time in Europe. Most governments, the media, and…

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