
Human Wrongs Watch

Everybody talks about human ‘rights’ and this is just great. Nevertheless, human beings have been perpetrating, systematically, all kinds of wrongs–they kill each other, they destroy forests, seas, lands, and atmosphere. Simply, humans are now more than ever under the mercy of two dominant powers: the ‘market lords’ and the ‘war lords’–everything, humans included, are now subject to trade deals. Human wrongs Watch informs about some of the so many human ‘wrongs’–it’s our way to draw your attention. Maybe this initiative can help correct some of our misdoing.

The Coup Is Being Televised

10 October 2020 (Wall Street International)* — We are watching now what may very well be the last American election. Before 2016, such words would have been unthinkable and unspeakable. The rapidity with which they have become not only possible, but…

Global Military Expenditure Sees Largest Annual Increase in a Decade, Reaching $1917 Billion in 2019 – SIPRI

Total global military expenditure rose to $1917 billion in 2019, according to new data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The total for 2019 represents an increase of 3.6 per cent from 2018 and the largest annual growth…

World Meteorological Day

Human Wrongs Watch World Meteorological Organization Fresh water is vital for life. On average, a human being cannot survive more than three days without it. Water is essential for the production of our food, virtually all of our goods and…

Acute Food Insecurity Hotspots Need Urgent Attention

FAO calls for $900 million to support the livelihoods of 43 million people facing acute hunger While global attention has focused on the swarms of Desert Locusts attacking crops in East Africa, a number of other countries and regions are…

The Huge Potential of Agriculture to Slow Climate Change

Soil’s contribution to climate change, through the oxidation of soil carbon, is important, and soils—and thus agriculture—can play a major role in mitigating climate change. “Through multiple agricultural practices, we could help store vast amounts of atmospheric carbon in the…

New development models to drive growth and employment for youth in Africa

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) today launched the Global Environment Outlook-6 (GEO-6) for Youth in Africa report on the margins of the 17th session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN). The report analyses the economic opportunities…

High Mountain Summit seeks to boost climate and disaster resilience

World’s Highest Peaks, Hit hard by Climate Change; the Impacts Are Cascading Down to Some of Earth’s Most Densely Populated Areas 28 October 2019 (World Meteorological Organization) The world’s highest peaks, ranging from the Andes to the Alps and the Third…

Bananas Could Purify Water in the Amazon

During World Water Week, we spoke with changemaker Maricela Granda, a 25-year-old environmental biotechnology engineer from Ecuador who is developing a way to purify water using banana waste. Granda comes from the Sucumbios province in the northern part of the…

Statement by the Executive Director of UN Environment on the Ongoing Fires in the Amazon Rainforest

By Inger Andersen*  The ongoing fires in the Amazon rainforest are a harsh reminder of the environmental crises facing the world – of climate, of biodiversity and of pollution. The ongoing fires in the Amazon rainforest are a harsh reminder…

Negotiating Legally-Binding Agreement to Provide Future Generations with a “Healthy, Resilient and Productive Ocean”

While the world’s oceans contain some 200,000 identified living species, the actual numbers could reach the millions ­­– all exposed to the dangers of climate change, pollution and over-exploitation. To stem these threats, the United Nations is meeting to negotiate…

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