
Guillermo Sullings

Economist, humanist and author of several books and monographs, notably "Mixed Economics" and "At the Crossroads of Humanity's Future: the steps towards the Universal Human Nation"

UN, Hypocrisy as a weapon of mass destruction

Surely few will be surprised by the recent bombing of Syria ordered by Trump. If we were already used to the permanent military intervention of the US throughout the planet, with a bully as brand-new president it was predictable that…

Grexit should be sooner rather than later

The context of the European Union As Humanists we aspire to a future in which all the peoples of the world integrate within a Universal Human Nation. In this sense we differentiate this process of integration that we call planetarisation…

Greece’s choice: save the people or the banks?

The recent rise to power of the left wing party Syriza with Tsipras as Prime Minister has renewed expectations about the paths that the country can take to resolve her crisis. Tsipras’s promise to put an end to the extreme…

The Universal Human Nation as the only future that opens possibilities

Presentation by Dr. Guillermo Sullings, Argentine economist and author of the book Beyond Capitalism, Mixed Economics Panel: “Turning a crisis into an opportunity: Humanising the Economy“, at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum, Organised by Pressenza, International Press Agency ”We…

Egypt: A non-violent revolution and a future to be built

We humanists feel very joyful at the outcome of the Non-Violent Revolution in Egypt, which has culminated in Mubarak’s resignation. Towards the end of January the International Humanist Party showed its support for the “peoples’ protest” in the Arab world; and we demonstrated outside Egyptian embassies in several countries supporting the non-violent struggle of its people.

Foundations for the Economy of a New Civilisation

Here we transcribe the whole of Dr Guillermo Sullings’ lecture from the Second International Symposium organised by the World Centre of Humanist Studies in the virtually interconnected Parks of Study and Reflection. Sullings, an Argentinean Economist, presented his work in the Punta de Vacas Park of Study and Reflection, Mendoza, Argentina.

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