
Günter Buhlke

Geboren 1934, Studium an der Humboldtuniversität und der Hochschule für Ökonomie Berlin, dipl. Volkswirtschaftler. Internationale Arbeit als Handelsrat in Mexiko und Venezuela. Koordinator für die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen der DDR zu Lateinamerika. Wirtschaftserfahrungen als langjähriger Leiter des Schweizerischen Instituts für Betriebswirtschaft in Berlin, Vorstand einer Wohnungsgenossenschaft und Referent im Haushaltsausschuss der Volkskammer und des Bundestages. Gegenwärtig ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten.

2023 – It is high time for Homo sapiens to make decisions!

Every now and then, rational and humane representatives of all peoples of the world have had to make changes in their path. It was a matter of ensuring survival. Their concern was to examine what people had achieved so far…

A turning point for the world?

The turn of the year again focuses our thoughts more on the future of families. Hopes turn to health, peace and well-being. The German chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke at the last general assembly of the UN of a change of…

Germany: Renegotiating the nuclear phase-out?

The news arriving from the press agencies AFP, dpa news agencies, and from the German newspaper Handelsblatt about civilian nuclear power is pretty worrying. The exit, taken for granted, has been brought back by the operators on the table of…

Fantomas of the White Man Rage On in Bolivia and Chile

The genus attributed to Fantomas (Phantoms) has European roots. The great-great-great grandchildren of Europeans push their harm forward from the North American Continent, and their relatives in South America do not want to give up their power or their privileges…

Dependency Mechanisms in Latin America

The soil of Latin America stores enormous quantities of valuable mineral raw materials, necessary for the countries of the continent and for the world economy. The countries of South America have large tracts of land and forests. Some border seas…