
Germán Gorraiz López

Germán Gorraiz López (Navarra-España, 1957). Analista económico y geopolítico, colabora habitualmente en varias publicaciones digitales e impresas españolas y latinoamericanas.

Has the CIA revived the Gladio network?

Gladio (Latin for sword) was the name given to the “network of sleeper agents deployed by NATO in Italy, ready to go into action in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe”. It would be the Allied forces…

Has Donald Trump already cleared the way to the White House?

The US Supreme Court agreed on Wednesday that it will decide whether “former President Donald Trump was granted presidential immunity” after being prosecuted for trying to reverse the results of the 2020 elections. Such a decision would be a victory…

Is there a window of opportunity for peace in Ukraine and the Middle East?

The outcome of the presidential elections to be held this year in the US and Russia could mean a return to the doctrine of nonviolent co-existence between the US and Russia and the consequent end to Cold War 2.0. Thus,…

Is Germany heading for a Dexit?

After the consummation of Brexit, Germany’s hypothetical exit from the Euro would bring about the end of the Eurozone and the gestation of a new European economic cartography that would mean a return to watertight economic compartments. The “debt brake”…

Could the secular society be able to impose itself on the military-theocracy prevailing in Israel?

The Israeli society of the 21st century (80% Jews compared to 20% Arab population), would be a melting pot of races, customs, languages and values that would only have in common their Jewish origin and in which there would be…

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