
Germán Gorraiz López

Germán Gorraiz López (Navarra-España, 1957). Analista económico y geopolítico, colabora habitualmente en varias publicaciones digitales e impresas españolas y latinoamericanas.

A new industrial reconversion in Europe is coming?

The European economy has been based in the last decade on the so-called ‘alpine-Mediterranean diet’”, whose main ingredients were the urban boom, tourism, export and domestic consumption. Said formula created excellent minimalist dishes, highly suggestive appearance but empty of culinary…

Will the Falklands again be a focus of conflict between Argentina and Britain?

The former Argentine President, Lionel Fernandez in his visit to Putin offered him the possibility of being “the gateway to Latin America” and in his meeting with Xi Jinping, confirmed Argentina’s adherence to the Belt and Silk Road Project, which…

What can prevent Trump’s victory in the US Presidency?

The current dominant system or American establishment would use the invisible dictatorship of compulsive consumerism of material goods to nullify the ideals of the primal individual and transform him into an uncritical being, fearful and conformist who will inevitably join…

Is a socio-economic paradigm shift inevitable on planet Earth?

Western society is characterised by the reign of hedonism and nihilism, as opposed to the critical spirit and culture of effort of the 20th century, because it is made up of individuals who are dependent on material goods and who…

Is the United States preparing a coup against Zelenski?

The Pentagon would have already seen its objective of preventing Russian expansion by having it encircled at its borders fulfilled, while the US Congress and Senate would already consider the Ukrainian conflict as a bottomless pit that should be immediately…

Is a nuclear struggle between Macron and Putin inevitable?

The outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict revealed the worrying servility of Western countries, which translated into the loss of decision-making power of European institutions and their total subordination to the geopolitical dictates of the United States, leaving France as an…

Do the USA and NATO want to subjugate Russia and China?

“There cannot be a just war, because there is no such thing as a just war. War is the temporary loss of judgment” (Juan Bautista Alberdi). Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his book “Between Two Ages: The Role of the United States…

The CIA and the strategy of tension in Europe

The attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is suspiciously reminiscent of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald and the former Gladio network operating on European soil, new attacks on European territory with the unequivocal aim of sowing chaos through…

NATO’s entry into the Ukrainian war?

The war in Ukraine would have meant a return to the Cold War between Russia and the USA and a return to the Doctrine of Containment, the foundations of which were laid out by George F. Kennan in his essay…

Are Argentina and the USA preparing an alternative route to the Panama Canal?

The star of the Argentine neoliberal firmament, Javier Milei, has become the living reflection of Trumpian incongruity, managing to make up for his lack of experience in public management with the media impact of his public interventions, while at the…

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