
Francesca Borri

Francesca Borri, 1980, una laurea a Firenze in Politica Europea, poi una seconda in Filosofia del Diritto, di mezzo un master in Human Rights and Conflict Management al Sant'Anna di Pisa, è autrice di Non aprire mai, la Meridiana 2008, e Qualcuno con cui parlare. Israeliani e palestinesi, Manifestolibri 2010. Scrive per Il Fatto Quotidiano, in Italia, e al momento vive tra Libano e Turchia, alla frontiera con la Siria. Lavora insieme al fotografo statunitense Stanley Greene.

Against US airstrike on Syria

We started to cover Syria, it was February 2012, because we believed a red line had been crossed: demonstrations against Assad were being swept away by bullets and mortar fire. But confrontation between the regime and the newborn Free Army,…

Syrian dust

It sounds like a jet approaching, and everybody, it’s a matter of instants, stares at each other, your words stifled in your mouth; but it’s only a gate that slides and shuts. A hatchet chopping fi-rewood is a burst from…