
Europe for Peace

The idea of carrying out this campaign arose in Lisbon, in the European Humanist Forum of November 2006 in the working group of Peace and Nonviolence. Different organizations participated and different opinions converged very clearly on one issue: violence in the world, the return of the nuclear arms race, the danger of a nuclear catastrophe and the need to urgently change the course of events. The words of Gandhi, M. L. King and Silo resounded in our minds on the importance of having faith in life and on the great force that nonviolence is. We were inspired by these examples. The declaration was officially presented in Prague on February 22, 2007 during a conference organized by Humanist movement. The declaration is the fruit of the labor of several people and organizations and tries to synthesize common opinions and concentrate on the issue of nuclear weapons. This campaign is open to all, and everyone can give their contribution to develop it.

Let’s take Peace in our hands!

In Europe, Ukraine, Russia, and all over the world, people want peace while governments demand more and more weapons and human resources for war. People are asking for the right to health, education, work, and a liveable planet, but governments…

2 April “Let’s take peace in our hands”: the photos

We are constantly updating the photos coming to us from all parts of the world testifying to the adhesion to the campaign “Let’s take peace in our hands” and colouring cities and countries all over the world with peace and…

On April 2nd, let us also ignite peace within our interior.

Who has not at times, in moments of fear, difficulty and discouragement, asked for help in their interior, according to their beliefs, to a loved one who is or has been an example for them, a guide, a deity, to…

Active nonviolence is the only way out of the folly of war.

Very often, the word nonviolence conjures up the image of good people who do not harm others and who, in general, prefer to avoid conflict. Nonviolence is associated with a form of passivity, with not being violent, or even with…

War returns to the heart of Europe and talk of conscription is back on the agenda.

Europe is continuing its suicidal mad dash towards the militarisation of society. After a year of war in Ukraine, almost everywhere there is talk of reintroducing compulsory military service, reopening a debate that was thought to be definitively closed and…

Chilean Deputy Hirsch supports the call for April 2nd

Tomás Hirsch, humanist Deputy Hirsch of the Chilean National Congress, supports the Europe for Peace call for 2 April. “As president of Humanist Action and Humanist Deputy in the Chilean Congress, I support and join the call for the 2nd…

Chomsky: Change can only come about through mass protest by ordinary people

In 2007, we requested Chomsky to sign the Europe for Peace declaration and to support the campaign to prevent the construction of the US Space Shield in the Czech Republic, a project strongly opposed by the vast majority of the…

Europe for Peace: Call for Convergence

We know that the possible evolution of the conflict in Ukraine depends on the involvement of the whole of society in terms of economic and human resources. There is talk of compulsory military conscription in many European and some Eastern…

On April 2nd, let’s take Peace into our own hands

In Europe, Ukraine, Russia and all over the world, people want peace, while governments demand more and more weapons and human resources for war. We demand the right to health, education, work and a liveable planet, but governments are dragging…

February 24 and 25, 2023: Europe for Peace

On the anniversary of the outbreak of war in Ukraine, we believe it is fitting to take a moment to remember all the victims of this umpteenth catastrophe. More, we believe it is important to take a moment and clarify…

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