
Dominik Schlett

Lebt im europäischen Berlin. Als Sozialwissenschaftler interessieren ihn vor allem die Transition in das digitale Zeitalter und die damit verbundenen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderung. Politisch engagiert er sich für die europäische Zivilbewegung DiEM25.

Berlin: Change from below – A city for everybody

In Berlin, a broad alliance of local initiatives took to the streets for social housing and self-determined organisation of the city by its inhabitants. Students of the Humboldt University of Berlin initiated this demonstration. What is exemplified by this demonstration…

DiEM’s Sunlight-Project as an Initial Ignition

Last Saturday the young DiEM25 Movement walked a thin line in Berlin. It should have been the first countrywide meeting of the movement in Germany. Due to time bottlenecks the project is threatened with failure. The meeting was announced only…