
Doha Centre for Media Freedom

The DCMF is a non-profit organisation working for press freedom and quality journalism in Qatar, the Middle East and the world. Press freedom and quality journalism are vital for empowering citizens to participate in social and political life. Well functioning media are crucial for healthy societies and sustainable economies.

Indian media pushing for change after gang-rape case

The response to a recent horrific gang-rape and murder case has highlighted the power of media to stimulate debate and change attitudes. The gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old medical student in New Delhi last month has grabbed headlines around…

Fears of the Future among Greek Journalists

By Aljosa Milenkovic

As Greece faces the worst economic woes in its history, Greek journalists struggle with their own fears and their failures in covering the crisis.

One of the most popular editorial coping mechanisms is to blame the problem on others, in this case the European Union. Many in Greece consider the EU to be part of the problem rather than the solution.