

Desinformémonos nace el 15 de octubre de 2009 y crece como un proyecto de comunicación autónoma, libre e independiente, conformado por un equipo de comunicadores, personas de los movimientos sociales, intelectuales y académicos, hombres y mujeres de varias generaciones que, como nosotros, buscan construir un espacio de expresión en y desde México, donde se aloja la casa matriz.

Peoples call for caravan for water and life

Peoples, organisations and collectives from different states called for the “Caravan for water and life: Peoples united against capitalist dispossession”, to denounce “the repressive escalation of dispossession and plunder” against indigenous communities and Mother Earth and to “assert the law…

Agreement to shield megaprojects promotes “private profit and public dispossession”, denounce organisations

The presidential agreement that protects the projects and works of the federal government promotes “private profit and public dispossession”, as well as representing “a death sentence for the communities and territories affected” by the megaprojects, according to indigenous and peasant…

Community justice against feminicidal violence

The faces of the Na Savi women from the municipality of Ayutla de los Libres showed anger, impotence, pain and rage at the feminicide of Angelina García Alejandrino from the community of Coxcatlán San Pedro. They were perplexed by the…

Palestine 2021: the year apartheid went mainstream

What has the year 2021 meant for the struggle of the Palestinian people? At a glance, it may seem that the situation has only worsened, and this is indicated by the numbers of children and young people killed or imprisoned,…

Chomsky: what to expect from COP-26

Chomsky, now 92, is the author of several political bestsellers, translated into several languages. His critiques of power and his defence of the autonomy and political action of ordinary people have inspired generations of activists and social organisers. He has…

In the face of governmental absence, Wixárikas inaugurate autonomous community clinic

Faced with the government’s failure to provide medical care to indigenous peoples, the Wixárika and Tepehuana Autonomous Community of San Lorenzo de Azqueltán, in Villa Guerrero, Jalisco, announced the inauguration of an autonomous community clinic. “We have seen how health…

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