
David Swanson

David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is director of and campaign coordinator for Swanson's books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at and He hosts Talk Nation Radio. He was nominated for the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize.

A World Beyond War or No World at All

Remarks on June 7, 2021, to North Texas Peace Advocates. By David Swanson In a world beyond war, . . . death, injury, and trauma from violence would be radically reduced, homelessness and immigration driven by fear would be largely…

Biden’s Budget Proposal Funds Most of the World’s Dictators

There’s nothing new about this, which is why I know it’s there before having seen the new budget proposal. The United States funds most of the world’s most oppressive militaries, sells them weapons, and trains them. It has done so…

What The New Acceptability of the Lab Leak Origin Tells Us About Media Outlets

Have you noticed that a lot of science writers have lately been saying that they were perfectly right a year ago to mock and condemn even considering a lab leak origin for Coronavirus but that now it’s perfectly proper to admit that Coronavirus may very well have come from a lab? It seems to be largely a question…

Ground the Drones!

There are a number of hurdles to clear before you can get people to support banning armed drones or surveillance drones. One is the existence of good drones. It seems silly, but it is the number one cause of failures…

An Easy Test of Whether Democrats Are Faking It

When Democrats were handed the U.S. Congress in 2006 to end the war on Iraq, and they escalated it in order to “oppose” it in the 2008 elections, it’s possible some of them were not being completely forthright and respectful…

Hate Taxes But Love WWII? You Obviously Don’t Know Where Taxes Came From

The United States excels at hating taxes, and for good reason. The U.S. government gives you damn near nothing in return for them. You pay them at a higher rate than do billionaires or corporations. Cheating is permitted only if…

The Brutes Haven’t All Been Exterminated

Sometimes I struggle to explain why none of the endless wars can ever be ended. Are they just too profitable? Is the propaganda self-fulfilling and self-believing? Is the bureaucratic inertia that powerful? No combination of semi-rational motivations ever seems sufficient.…

Biden’s Announcement That Trump Got Military Spending Just Right Is Dead Wrong

President Joe Biden is proposing a level of Pentagon spending so close to that of Trump’s last year in office that Bloomberg calls it a 0.4% reduction adjusting for inflation while Politico calls it a 1.5% increase and “effectively an inflation-adjusted budget boost.” I…

Universality or Fighting Over Scraps

Why should rich people get pandemic survival checks? Why shouldn’t descendants of enslaved people get reparations payments? Why should someone who doesn’t go to college pay taxes to make college free? Why should smokers get health coverage? Why should someone…

The Latest Lies About Russia

By David Swanson Things that we now know are not actually true: Russia impacted the U.S. election results in 2016 or 2020. Russia hacked into U.S. election machines. The recent U.S. government report alleging election interference contained any evidence of anything. The…

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