
David Swanson

David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is director of and campaign coordinator for Swanson's books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at and He hosts Talk Nation Radio. He was nominated for the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize.

Can You Give Two Days to Stop the Slaughter?

By David Swanson The power of mass demonstrations to mobilize activism and move those in positions of power is minimized, first and foremost, by those opposed to popular power. Do not listen to them. Make them listen to us! Can…

I’d Elect the People on My Facebook Page Over Any Weapons-Funded Hack

By David Swanson I asked my Facebook page which high school teacher they’d least like to have had a gun in their desk. Go read their answers. I’d elect those people over any recent president or any current member of Congress.…

Yes, the United States Used Biowarfare on North Korea

By David Swanson It’s sort of silly that it matters. The United States bombed North Korea flat with ordinary, non-bioweapons bombs. It ran out of standing structures to bomb. People lived in caves, if they lived. Millions died, most of…

The World Is My Country: Important New Film about Garry Davis’s Fight for Global Citizenship

By Marc Eliot Stein, Garry Davis was a young Broadway actor in 1941, an eager understudy for Danny Kaye in a Cole Porter musical called “Let’s Face It” about US Army inductees, when America entered World War Two and he…

Lies, Damn Lies, and Nuclear Posture Reviews

By David Swanson Did you hear the one about the “safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent”? There is, of course, nothing safe or secure about producing, maintaining, or threatening to use nuclear weapons. Nor is there evidence that they have…

What Military Bashing Teacher Got Right

By David Swanson A high school teacher is no longer teaching, and is receiving threats, because of how he spokeabout the U.S. military. To read the news reports, you’d think that all he said was that people who join the…

The Post should be viewed by current editors of The Post

I was afraid that The Post would give us a Hollywood film version of the publication of the Pentagon Papers and manage never to say what was in the Pentagon Papers. I was afraid it would be turned into a…

Letter from Charlottesville to Ukraine

By David Swanson Nazi rallies in the news in recent years have most prominently been held here in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, and in Ukraine. I want to send thoughts of solidarity to those in Ukraine resisting fascism. And I want…

How It Could Finally Be Possible to Prosecute War as a Crime

By David Swanson War is a crime. The International Criminal Court has just announced that it will finally treat it as a crime, sort-of, kind-of. But how can war’s status as a crime effectively deter the world’s leading war-maker from threatening and…

How It Could Finally Be Possible to Prosecute War as a Crime

By David Swanson War is a crime. The International Criminal Court has just announced that it will finally treat it as a crime, sort-of, kind-of. But how can war’s status as a crime effectively deter the world’s leading war-maker from…

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