
David Swanson

David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is director of and campaign coordinator for Swanson's books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at and He hosts Talk Nation Radio. He was nominated for the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize.

Yet Another Mass Shooter Was a Military Veteran

Thursday yet another mass shooting was committed by a military veteran, this one in Milwaukee. Virtually all military veterans are not mass shooters. Many peace activists are veterans. Many everything under the sun are veterans. But mass shooters are very disproportionately…

Bernie Finally Puts a Number on Cutting Military Spending

Bernie Sanders’ campaign has published a fact sheet on how everything he proposes can be paid for. On that fact sheet we find this line in a list of items that collectively will pay for a Green New Deal: “Reducing…

How Are We Going to Pay for Saving Trillions of Dollars?

Enhanced Medicare for All — that wild scheme that Michael Bloomberg calls “untried” because it’s only been tested for decades in virtually every wealthy nation on earth — would cost $450 billion a year less than the current U.S. system. In the…

Bloomberg Has Spent Enough to Give a Nickel to Every Person Whose Life He’s Ever Damaged

A review of Michael Bloomberg’s political career should not be limited, I think, to the fact that he has the debating skills of a baked potato. Nor does it matter much that he focuses his sales pitch on being a…

Shut Down Canada Until it Solves its War, Oil, and Genocide Problem

Indigenous people in Canada are giving the world a demonstration of the power of nonviolent action. The justness of their cause — defending the land from those who would destroy it for short term profit and the elimination of a…

Why This Election Is Different

Elections, I think most of us can agree, usually bring out the idiocy, superficiality, and illogic in everyone who can muster any. Imagine supporting, as many did, Sanders and then Trump because they were both “outsiders.” On Tuesday, I heard…

Even the Most Progressive U.S. Foreign Policy Blames Foreigners

When it comes to foreign policy, it ought to go without saying that Trump, Biden, and Buttigieg are walking catastrophes. A bit of research suggests that Elizabeth Warren is pretty much a true believer in slightly modified catastrophe. But what about Bernie…

CNN: Sanders Is The Most Electable

Remember CNN’s attack-debate last week? CNN did what it could to end Bernie Sanders’ campaign for president. Well, just after that, CNN conducted a poll to measure its success. According to its own report on its own poll, CNN failed miserably. Among “Democrats/Democratic-leaning independents…

New York City Prepares Nuclear Option

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War There really only is one option when it comes to nuclear weapons, and that is to do everything we can to abolish them before they abolish us. New York City Council will be voting…

Why Is Trump the Only Candidate With a Budget Proposal?

An important job of any U.S. president is to propose an annual budget to Congress. Shouldn’t it be a basic job of every presidential candidate to propose one to the public? Isn’t a budget a critical moral and political document…

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