
David Swanson

David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is director of and campaign coordinator for Swanson's books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at and He hosts Talk Nation Radio. He was nominated for the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize.

The Latest Lies About Russia

By David Swanson Things that we now know are not actually true: Russia impacted the U.S. election results in 2016 or 2020. Russia hacked into U.S. election machines. The recent U.S. government report alleging election interference contained any evidence of anything. The…

A Divided U.S. and the Dangers of Misdirected Anger

By David Swanson Many people in the United States, as in many other places, are getting angrier. This would be a good thing if they all understood whom they should be angry at and the superiority of nonviolent activism to stupid, futile violence. They…

10 Key Points on Ending Wars

1. Victories that are only partial are not fictional. When a ruler, like Biden, finally announces the end of a war, like the war on Yemen, it is as important to recognize what it does mean as what it doesn’t.…

Brazil in the World

Next only to the worst destroyers of the earth’s climate slowing their destructive activities, one of the best steps that could be taken for this planet might be for the destroyers of the Amazon rain forests to knock it off.…

U.S. Spends 11 Times What China Does on Military Per Capita

NATO and various columnists employed by major U.S. newspapers and “think” tanks believe that military spending levels should be measured in comparison to nations’ financial economies. If you have more money, you should spend more money on wars and war…

Pope’s Words in Open Letter to Joe Biden

Dear President Joe Biden, Congratulations and best wishes! The Pope of your church in October 2020 wrote these words: “We can no longer think of war as a solution, because its risks will probably always be greater than its supposed benefits.…

(Re-)Joining the World

One of the many things we must rightly demand of the incoming U.S. government is the abandonment of rogue status, the serious participation in treaties, a cooperative and productive relationship with the rest of the world. We’ve all heard about…

How to Beat a Capitol Police Officer With an American Flag Pole

Eleven years ago, the Onion reported that the U.S. flag had been recalled after causing 143 million deaths. Last week, a Trumpy beat a Capitol Police officer with a pole holding a U.S. flag. At first glance this seems like an amateur move. If you…

Restoring the Threat of Impeachment for Future Office Holders

In the past 150 years, U.S. presidents have lied, cheated, stolen, warmongered, incited hatred and violence, driven inequality and corruption through the roof, taken over major powers from the Congress and abused them, gained the power of nuclear war and…

Drone Murder Has Been Normalized

If I search on Google for the words “drones” and “morality” most of the results are from 2012 through 2016. If I search for “drones” and “ethics” I get a bunch of articles from 2017 to 2020. Reading the various…

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