
David Meléndez Tormen

Humanist and diversity activist. Born in 1972 in Santiago de Chile. Bachelor’s Degree in Humanities and German-English to Spanish Translator, with studies in journalism. Currently doing a M.A. on Social Transformations. Collaborator in Pressenza since 2018. Co-author, with Riccardo Marinai, of the book Mjuros que Hablan, a compilation of graffitis from the Chilean "estallido social" of 2019.

Chile: Launching of Gabriel Boric’s government programme

In the gardens of the Centro Cultural de Ñuñoa, Gabriel Boric’s long-awaited government programme was presented this morning. In the presence of many collaborators and supporters, as well as numerous press media, the presidential candidate was presented by the Mayoress…

Interview with Diego Ramos, activist for inclusion and sexuality of diverse functional people

As part of the series “Gender and sexualities in pandemic”, we interviewed Diego Ramos, an activist for the rights of people with disabilities, including the exercise of their sexuality. Diego has just graduated from the University of Chile, teaches workshops…

Premiere of the Argentinian documentary “In the Name of Lithium” on the conflict between indigenous communities and large-scale mining operations

The Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de Argentina has just released “En el nombre del litio”, a documentary produced by FARN and Calma Cine that deals with the situation in northern Argentina regarding the exploitation of this “wonder mineral”. Directed…

Paine Park of Study and Reflection opens registration for School for Personal and Social Transformation work

The Paine Park of Study and Reflection, located 50km from Santiago de Chile, has been under construction since 2010, with the efforts of many humanists. Among them are the late Huga Tormen and María Cristina Soto, for each of whom…

Interview with Danilo Urbina, from the Transdisciplinary School of Sexuality

As part of the series “Gender and Sexualities in Chile”, we interviewed Danilo Urbina, a psychologist specialising in support and counselling for young people on issues of gender and sexual orientation and a founding member of the Transdisciplinary School of…

Chile: It´s not 30 pesos, it´s 30 years

“It’s not 30 pesos, it’s 30 years” is a slogan that was repeated Sunday in many social networks and protesters banners who continued to go to the streets throughout the country. “30 pesos” refers to the rise of Santiago Metro…

Chile: Mass evasion in the Santiago Metro, widespread demonstrations in the capital and declaration of a state of emergency

This week there was a massive call to jump over the paying turnstiles of the Santiago Metro, in response to the fourth fare rise so far this year. Mainly high school students entered the stations en masse, surpassing the responsiveness…

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