
Darío Aranda

Darío Aranda (argentino, 1977) es periodista. Especializado en extractivismo (petróleo, minería, agronegocios y forestales), escribe sobre el acontecer de los pueblos indígenas, organizaciones campesinas y asambleas socioambientales.

The human right to a healthy, unpolluted environment

In a context of climate crisis, the United Nations Human Rights Council declared that a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is a human right. Socio-environmental assemblies and indigenous peoples in Argentina denounce extractivism as the epicentre of rights violations. The…

Argentine Social Movements Strike Back Against Monsanto

The biotechnology giant continues attempts to build its GMO seeds plant in Argentina, despite three years of unflinching popular opposition. The world’s largest GMO corporation never imagined that it would suffer one of its major setbacks in a small, rural…

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