

The objective of is to spread awareness about this crisis and search for meaningful solutions. We believe that energy intensive globalization should end and it must be replaced by a low energy, ecologically sustainable local economies. If humanity is to survive, the destructive system of capitalism and consumerism must be replaced by an economic system which is based on just equitable distribution and need based use of resources. We strive to reach this goal with our motto, which is “Educate! Organize! Agitate!”

“We are all equal!” Captain who saved refugees refuses award from Paris mayor

By Will Morrow Pia Klemp, the former captain of the refugee rescue ship Juventa, who together with her crew saved thousands of refugees in the Mediterranean Sea, is refusing to accept an honorary prize bestowed by the Socialist Party mayor…

“Unify Behind The Science” of Impending Abrupt Climate Disruption

Perhaps the immutable forces of Nature are beginning to take charge of the total food supply for human consumption. That is to say, Nature is taking control of the human food supply out of human hands where that control has…

Hong Kong In The Crosshairs of Global Power And Ideological Struggle

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers Hong Kong is one of the most extreme examples of big finance, neoliberal capitalism in the world. As a result, many people in Hong Kong are suffering from great economic insecurity in a…

No Deal Chaos: The Brexit Cliff Face and Operation Yellowhammer

Britain’s Boris Johnson is driving his country to the cliff face, along the way mouthing and spouting all manner of populist reassurances.  Still fresh in the job, he declared that UK preparations for a no-deal Brexit on October 31, when…

The Threat To Life From Ocean Microplastics

Co-Written by Meena Miriam Yust and Arshad Khan When Chelsea Rochman at the University of Toronto and colleagues began their study on medakas (small Japanese rice paddy fish), they did not expect to find what they did. They first soaked ground-up polyethylene…

July 2019 Was Hottest Month Since Records Began in 1880

By Julia Conley, As climate scientists raise alarm over hotter and hotter global temperatures, a top U.S. weather agency reported on Thursday that July 2019 was the hottest month the planet has ever experienced since the government began recording global…

How the U.S. Created the Central American Immigration Crisis

By Rebecca Gordon It’s hard to believe that more than four years have passed since the police shot Amílcar Pérez-López a few blocks from my house in San Francisco’s Mission District. He was an immigrant, 20 years old, and his remittances were…

The World Is Uniting For International Law, Against US Empire

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flower “We oppose the extraterritorial application of unilateral measures.“ That is not Cuba, Nicaragua, Iran, Russia, or China talking about the most recent unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States against Venezuela, i.e.…

Pounding Heat Clobbers Greenland

By Robert Hunziker Greenland is one of the biggest targets for global warming, in part, because it’s so big it’s hard to miss.And sure enough, only recently crazy halting weather with inordinate hot temperature hit Greenland bull’s-eye, dead-on with one…

People in Venezuela are prepared for battle to defend the Bolivarian Revolution

By Farooque Chowdhury People in Venezuela shall defend the Bolivarian Revolution. To defend the land, the people are prepared for battle. This is the promise by the people in the land the revolution is moving forward with its transforming process.…

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