

The objective of is to spread awareness about this crisis and search for meaningful solutions. We believe that energy intensive globalization should end and it must be replaced by a low energy, ecologically sustainable local economies. If humanity is to survive, the destructive system of capitalism and consumerism must be replaced by an economic system which is based on just equitable distribution and need based use of resources. We strive to reach this goal with our motto, which is “Educate! Organize! Agitate!”

A Coalition of Support: Parliamentarians for Julian Assange

By Dr Binoy Kampmark Australian politicians, and the consular staff of the country, are rarely that engaged on the subject of protecting their citizens.  In a couple of notorious cases, Australian authorities demonstrated, not only an indifference, but a consciously…

People’s protest in Ecuador compels Moreno government to drop IMF’s prescription of neo-liberal measure

By Countercurrents Collective United Nations-backed dialogue between the right wing Lenin Moreno’s government and leaders of protesting people including indigenous people’s organizations reached a deal Sunday to revoke pro-International Monetary Fund (IMF) Decree 883, end strikes across the country, and…

A self-inflicted wound: Trump surrenders the West’s moral high ground

By Dr James M Dorsey For the better part of a century, the United States could claim the moral high ground despite allegations of hypocrisy because its policies continuously contradicted its proclaimed propagation of democracy and human rights. Under President…

Dying Wildlife on a Warming Planet

Co-Written by Meena Miriam Yust and Arshad M. Khan The emaciated polar bear, a sorry remnant of magnificence, raiding garbage cans in an iconic, even infamous photo, is one consequence of global warming.  As the September (2019) National Geographic cover story displays…

The Public Interest in Climate Change Reaches an All-Time High. It is the Effect of Greta Thunberg

By Ugo Bardi A little more than one year ago, I wrote a post titled “Why, in a Few Years, Nobody Will be Talking About Climate Change Anymore.” It turned out that I was completely wrong: Greta Thunberg changed everything.…

From Kabul: Youth on the Road to Peace

By Dr Hakim Young 30th September 2019 / 8th Mezan 1398 Despite the violent crises which we human beings have created for Afghanistan and our planet earth, I have witnessed yet again how renewing our relationships with Nature and one…

Ambitious Turkish plan to resettle two million displaced Syrians

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali Turkey has an ambitious plan to settle two million displaced Syrians in a 30 kilometer wide safe zone in northern Syria. Turkish President Recep Tayyi  Erdogan unveiled the plan at the 74th session of the United…

The Africa-Palestine Conference: Why South Africa Must Lead the Way

By Dr Ramzy Baroud On September 16, I visited South Africa, a country where many Palestinians have always felt welcomed, if not overwhelmed by the degree of genuine and meaningful solidarity. While having the honor to address many audiences in six, major…

Greta Thunberg: Mobilizing Against the Empire

By Anandi Sharan What Greta Thunberg did is to mobilise the children who live in the Empire, the most powerful, the only, international Empire. The leaders of the Empire sit in Washington, in control of the most powerful military in…

Change society to fight climate crisis or drown in rising sea level, warns UN report

By Countercurrents Collective A new report – Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, – warns: failure to fight out climate crisis will mean devastation for coastal cities, Arctic communities, small island states, anyone who relies on…

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