
Convergencia de las Culturas

Convergence of Cultures is an organism that is part of the Humanist Movement. Its mission is: 1. To facilitate and stimulate dialogue between cultures. 2. To fight discrimination and violence. 3. To take its proposal to all latitudes.

Inti Raymi-Winter Solstice-Andean New Year

By Francisco Carpio Jordan Machaq Mara and Wilkakuti (Aymara) We Tripantu (Mapuche) On the 21st of June, in the southern hemisphere, the winter solstice takes place, which in our ancestral cultures was the time to celebrate the New Year and…

Hands joined for peace and nonviolence

The Kreativitas School is a beacon of hope and empowerment led by its founders, Ana María Cárdenas Olivares and Lorena Astorga Alvarado. It has teachers of special education, basic education, nursery education, psychologists, speech therapists, and LSCH (Chilean Sign Language)…

The reason for the existence

Since the dawn of reason and the awareness of being, man has looked up at the starry sky, searching for answers to his place in the universe and the meaning of his existence. Astronomy has revealed the vastness of the…

We have always migrated, “children of the earth”.

Introduction In ancient times, in the Stone Age, people had to move from one place to another to move their herds seasonally in search of fresh pasture and water. Transhumance was common in those days. There were no borders, no…

A meeting between women: Experience, force and communication

On the 5th of March, at 7 pm, in the Annette Cabelli space (Ribera de Curtidores, 2 – Madrid), a meeting will occur between women who will talk about themselves and their social actions. The event is organized by Convergencia…

Nonviolence, the challenge of the 21st century

“Our political constitution does not follow the laws of other cities but gives laws and examples to others. Our government is called a democracy because the administration serves the interests of the masses and not of a minority. According to…

In the face of war, march for peace in the world. The Third World March for Peace and Nonviolence

Thousands of kilometers away, bombs and shrapnel fall. Missiles criss-cross the air, weaving webs of smoke and death. In the streets, the stones of destroyed buildings are stained with the blood of hundreds of people. News reports exacerbate the massacres…

The Arrival

The arrival of the first inhabitants to reach the New World is unknown, others passed through without leaving any tangible trace: the Scandinavians or Vikings, others support the theory that the Chinese were the first to arrive on this continent,…

Revenge is no defence

Hamas militiamen attacked civilian and military targets in Israeli territory last Saturday, killing hundreds of people and causing panic among the population. The Israeli government’s answer has been swift, including the bombing of defenceless towns, causing hundreds of civilian casualties…

Mental health and happiness

What do we mean when we discuss mental health? The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines it as: “A state of wellbeing in which each individual fulfils his or her potential, can cope with the stresses of life, can work productively…

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