
Common Dreams

Common Dreams is a non-profit independent newscenter created in 1997 as a new media model. By relying on our readers and tens of thousands of small donations to keep us moving forward—with no advertising, corporate underwriting or government funding—Common Dreams maintains an editorial independence our readers can count on.

Catholic Social Justice Group Calls McConnell-Run Senate’s 2019 Record a ‘Shocking’ and ‘Immoral’ Failure

“The Senate is broken, and only a change in leadership can fix it.” The Republican-controlled Senate “brought new meaning to the idea of a do-nothing Congress” in 2019 by not taking a single vote the entire year on legislation to…

New Polling Shows That for the First Time Ever, a Majority of Americans Support Decriminalizing Sex Work

“Laws criminalizing sex work criminalize poverty and thrust LGBTQ people of color who face rampant employment discrimination into prisons and jails.” by Jessica Corbett, staff writer For the first time ever, a majority of American voters somewhat or strongly support…

‘The Only One I Didn’t Want Her to Pick’: In Secret Recording, Trump Admits Fear of Clinton Picking Sanders as VP in 2016

By Jon Queally, staff writer –  Common Dreams Leaked 2018 audio recording of president was released by legal team of Lev Parnas, close associate of Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. “You know, [Sanders] basically says we’re getting screwed on trade,”…

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