
Bobby Langer

What are Oases of Change?

Like oases, which are fertile places amid desolate areas, oases of change are living spaces where the new, the life-giving has begun to germinate; they are glimmers of hope amid a collapsing civilization that is destroying the foundations of people’s…

Back into nature – where else?

Sometimes, when I am completely by myself in nature – and these can be momentary experiences – I feel such a warm kinship with the life around me that I want to embrace it, as one does with friends. Then…

Thou shalt not kill. Or how? – Occasional polemical remarks on the 5th commandment

“The masses are never bellicose unless they are poisoned by propaganda.” Albert Einstein “It is murder. They always kill the son of a mother.” Juergen Todenhoefer It’s a Christian commandment. And it seemed non-negotiable to me when I started thinking…

Loving, taken seriously

I am sick of hearing it. No matter whom I’m dealing with, they all think love is “very important.” It looks very much like the common denominator of the alternative scene, but also of the conservative, possibly even the reactionary…