

BioDB is a new, non-profit website that serves as a dynamic hub for wildlife conservation enthusiasts while advocating for protecting our planet’s invaluable biodiversity. With a primary goal of raising awareness and mobilizing funds for selected non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to wildlife conservation, BioDB offers a comprehensive platform for individuals and organizations passionate about positively impacting our natural world.

The Unsung Engineers of Nature: A Closer Look at Beavers

by: Assaf Levy, BioDB Celebrated annually on April 7th, International Beaver Day serves as a crucial extension of the themes explored in our discussion on beavers, emphasizing the significance of these ecosystem engineers in enhancing biodiversity, water management, and habitat…

Vanishing Ice, Vanishing Giants: The Urgent Tale of Polar Bears on International Polar Bear Day

by: Assaf Levy, BioDB   International Polar Bear Day, celebrated on February 27th, highlights the plight of polar bears amidst the melting Arctic ice and climate change. It’s a day that calls for global awareness and action towards preserving these…

The Majestic Hippopotamus: Gentle Giants of the Waterways

by: Assaf Levy The hippopotamus, often simply referred to as a hippo, is a creature that fascinates and delights those who are fortunate enough to witness it in its natural habitat. These semi-aquatic mammals, known for their massive bodies, wide-open…

Monkeys: Nature’s Playful Wonders and the Battle for Their Survival

by: Assaf Levy, BioDB Step into the lush landscapes of tropical rainforests or the wide-open spaces of savannas, and you might witness a captivating show unfolding high in the treetops – the world of monkeys. These clever creatures, distant relatives…

Racing Against Time: Unraveling the Story of the Cheetah, Earth’s Fastest Predator

by: Assaf Levy, BioDB   In the tough terrains of Africa, a fast and strong hunter quietly moves – the cheetah. Picture an animal so speedy that it can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in just a…

Amazon’s Mightiest Apex Predator, The Jaguar

by: Assaf Levy, BioDB In the past, jaguars were revered as deities, but currently, their population is being drastically reduced throughout their habitat. Explore the deep, dense jungles where a stunning and mighty creature resides—the incredible jaguar. This majestic big…

The Marvelous World of Anteaters, Nature’s Coolest Bug Busters

by: Assaf Levy, BioDB Did you know there’s a real-life superhero in the animal kingdom? Meet the anteater – not your average backyard creature! These fuzzy, long-snouted wonders are the ultimate bug busters, armed with a secret weapon that’s the…

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