
Bar Crawl Radio

Alice Slater: Ridding the World of Nuclear Weapons

Pressenza recommended this interview done, almost a year ago, by our new partner BAR CRAWL RADIO Rebecca McKean and I visited Alice Slater in her Upper East Side apartment. Since 1968, Ms. Slater has been an anti-war activist and since 1987…

La Manga and David Andersson of Pressenza @ the WSCG

For the fourth time this summer Bar Crawl Radio podcast is not at a bar.  But we are continuing to have conversations with neighbors doing positive work for their community.  We will be talking with a citizen journalists who works…

BCR: Walking for Peace in Inwood Park

For this Bar Crawl Radio conversation we were not at a bar having a conversation with people working positively for their communities – but at Inwood Park – in upper Manhattan – former home of the Lenape People. Catholic Worker,…