
Aram Aharonian

Magister en Integración, periodista y docente uruguayo, fundador de Telesur, director del Observatorio en Comunicación y Democracia, presidente de la Fundación para la Integración Latinoamericana.

The drug trade is taking over Latin America

The lucrative cocaine business is booming worldwide, after a contraction due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the interesting positions of some of the countries in the region, Latin America has yet to seriously discuss its drug policy and abandon once…

Mrs. Democracy, outraged here, there and hereafter

Perhaps no term used recurrently in the public space was so outraged that it was not only emptied of content but lost all meaning to refer to reality. Today people want to confuse democracy with the right to vote, one…

Argentina: A desperate cry for change, on the edge of a precipice

After the primary elections on Sunday 13 with the partial victory of the far-right Javier Milei, Argentina is going through weeks of uncertainty: the electorate’s weariness with politicians seems to bring the country closer to the edge of the precipice.…

Argentina: The far-right advances, the bipartisanship retreats, the dinosaur is still there

Argentines never cease to surprise: on a wintry but sunny Sunday, they put the recycled bipartisanship in intensive care in the Primary, Open, Simultaneous and Compulsory (PASO) elections, when the far-right Javier Milei, until two years ago a TV panelist,…

Elections in Argentina: between aporophobia and indifference

On the eve of the Simultaneous and Compulsory Open Primary Elections (PASO), Argentine candidates are deploying all their communication strategies to win the hearts and minds of their own and others, preoccupied by two situations: the growing number of undecided…

Conservative forces on the rise in Latin America: Between the “anarcho-capitalist” far-right and Cacareco

The triumph of the far-right José Antonio Kast in the Chilean constituent elections is a symptom of the reconfiguration of the opposition to progressive governments that began in Brazil and extends to countries such as Colombia and Argentina with the…

Weaknesses of Argentina’s political regime, hyperinflation and elections

The economic and social crisis that Argentina is experiencing has its correlate in the weaknesses shown by its political regime, especially in this election year, and are laid bare by the difficulties in selecting candidates in the two large coalitions…


The Malvinas Islands Question, understood as the sovereignty dispute over the Malvinas Islands, South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas, originated on 3 January 1833 when the United Kingdom, breaking Argentina’s territorial integrity, illegally occupied the islands…

Argentina – Memory, coups… and intellectuals

It was 47 years since the bloodthirsty coup d’état in Argentina, which left more than 30,000 people missing and which few intellectuals confronted. Let’s make things clear, said Osvaldo Bayer: Neither Hitler was an occupational accident, nor the dictatorships of…

Chávez and the emergence of Latin American emancipatory thinking

Ten years after his death Hugo Chávez, the locomotive that drove the daily construction of the Patria Grande, that of the peoples, left an orphaned nation ten years ago. He symbolised (and symbolises) the emergence of emancipatory regional thought for…

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