
Aram Aharonian

Magister en Integración, periodista y docente uruguayo, fundador de Telesur, director del Observatorio en Comunicación y Democracia, presidente de la Fundación para la Integración Latinoamericana.

The “mileinato”, co-government, the Pope… and the street

After the failure of his omnibus law in Congress, at odds with governors and with his popularity and credibility on the wane, far-right President Javier Milei would meet with former President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) to discuss the formal incorporation of…

Argentina: When the people say no, internal plots grow

Crowds of citizens across the country on Wednesday 24 joined the strike against reforms aimed at deregulating the Argentine economy and reducing the size of the state and its levels of intervention pushed by the government of Argentina’s ultra-right-wing president…

Biden and/or Trump, gerontocracy or democracy?

Joe Biden’s re-election bid sparked a debate on the importance of the age of presidents: can an old politician be a danger to democracy? The now-candidate’s 80 years have become a campaign issue, and 70% of Americans who believed Biden…

Without the help of “the forces of heaven”, Milei faces a harsh reality check

Surrounded by the expectations, not only of Argentina but of half the world, the ultra-right Javier Milei started 2024 with a series of setbacks and, despite the promoted intentions of the self-styled “forces of heaven” to remove the state from…

Argentina: More inflation, Milei’s gift for the Three Wise Men

Three Kings Day has passed, the day children wait all year to receive a present. But in this year 2024 too many Argentine children were left without presents: in the last 30 days sales in toy shops and related stores…

Argentina: not to be mistaken for a nightmare, this is reality

Argentina’s cities are rapidly losing their traditional vertigo. A strident, lethargic, lethargic silence survives. The euphoria of winning the World Cup is over, although the media still insist that the Argentinians “are world champions”. The people are aware that nothing…

Argentina was on the brink: did it step forward?

The far-right Javier Milei is the new president of Argentina for the next four years: on taking office he ratified his “chainsaw” plan and said that the adjustment would fall on the state and not on the private sector, but…

From Alfonsín to Milei: 40 years of Argentinean democracy

In early 1982, when I was a correspondent for the Inter Press Service Agency in Argentina, I was asked by the head office to interview the leader of the Radical Civic Union, Raúl Alfonsín, whom I did not know personally.…

War as an investment and a central theme of the White House dispute

The US political landscape is shaped by next year’s presidential elections. If the US is seen as the only power capable of forcing peace, the internal electoral struggle points to a dynamic of war; the escalation of the open conflict…

The U.S. freedom, and democracy

The US democratic system touted and sold as a glamorous stage, fails to cover up its long-accumulated serious shortcomings and real problems that have never been solved. Scepticism about American democracy is growing as a silent war takes root. The…

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