
Aníbal Feres Figueroa

Pressenza Correspondent in China

From coexistence to community

Celebration of the 70th anniversary of the “Five Principles of Nonviolent Coexistence Seven decades ago, the “Five Principles of Nonviolent Coexistence” were coined. Zhou Enlai, then Premier of the young People’s Republic of China, first proposed them at the Bangdu…

New Age Democracy

This week in Beijing, the “3rd International Forum on Democracy: the Shared Value of Humanity” featured four panels with fifty-five presentations by professors and politicians of different nationalities. This event alone broadens the criteria for democracy beyond the copyright that…

China declares itself a force for peace in a turbulent international environment

Five years after the Cuban Missile Crisis (1962), Latin America and the Caribbean became the first nuclear-weapon-free zone, committing the nuclear powers to non-aggression and non-nuclear threats in the region and promoting global denuclearization. Yes, many countries have signed the…