
Ángel Bravo

Ángel Bravo ha participado en actividades voluntarias desde muy joven, primero en el proyecto de los "centros de comunicación directa" en los barrios, luego en asociaciones de apoyo a inmigrantes y después en los llamados "proyectos de autodesarrollo", en África e India. Desde el año 2014 se ha centrado en la difusión y promoción de la Renta Básica Universal e Incondicional. Es miembro del colectivo Humanistas por la Renta Básica Universal.

September 25: The collection of signatures for the European Citizens’ Initiative for an unconditional basic income begins.

This September 25, 2020, the collection of signatures begins to bring to fruition the European Citizen Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income. It involves the collection of 1 million signatures in at least 7 countries of the European Union and…

Europe accepts the legislative initiative of citizens demanding a Universal Basic Income for all its residents

The European Citizen Initiative (ECI), which calls for the establishment of a Universal and Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) for all people residing in the European Union, was accepted by the European Commission on Friday May 15, 2020. The General Secretariat…

Presentation of the “Let the machines work” campaign, by Humanists for UBI

On June 15, 2019, members of Humanists for Universal Basic Income (HUBI) and some friends and supporters met at the Toledo Park of Study and Reflection, to present the annual report of activities for 2018 and begin to design the…

The need for a European Citizens’ Initiative on Universal and Unconditional Basic Income

In 2013, a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) on Universal and Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)[1] was carried out, but the one million signatures required were not collected and for some activists the action was a failure. The truth is that, back…