
Andrea De Lotto

Nato nel 1965, milanese, maestro elementare, psicomotricista, da tanti anni attivista: durante la Pantera, nel coordinamento genitori nidi e materne di Milano “Chiedo Asilo”, contro le guerre; è stato maestro popolare in El Salvador nel 1992, alla fine della lunga guerra civile. Ha vissuto con la sua famiglia 2 anni a San Paolo (Brasile) e 10 a Barcellona dove ha partecipato a numerose lotte. Nel 2010 ha contribuito a organizzare “Lo sbarco”, la nave dei diritti da Barcellona a Genova. Dal 2013 segue ovunque la lotta di liberazione di Leonard Peltier, nativo dell'American Indian Movement, ingiustamente in carcere negli USA dal 1976. Attualmente vive e lavora a Milano insegnando, in una scuola statale, italiano agli immigrati. Email

Marina di Carrara, Open Arms blocked while people are dying at sea.

Why don’t we dare to say it? Better one migrant dead at sea than one more who disembarks. Period. But not having the courage to say this simple truth, they make some word games, even propeller games. Four or five…

Free Leonard Peltier, Racing Against Time

A year is always a year, but when you’re almost 79 and you’ve been locked up in a maximum security prison for 47 and a half years, time hangs really heavy. 26th of June was the 48th anniversary of the…

Leonard Peltier: native delegation from US to Europe for his release

From October 1 to 5, 2022, a delegation from the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee will be in Italy as part of a series of European meetings, which will culminate in a meeting at the UN in Geneva. The public…

The garrison of San Didero (Valsusa) named after Leonard Peltier

They had promised and they did it. At the end of a very touching event dedicated to Leonard Peltier that took place on June 24th at the garrison of San Didero, in the Susa Valley (Piedmont Region) from 30 years…

Free Leonard Peltier and all political prisoners, meetings to break the silence

On the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the Oglala events, which took place on June 26, 1975 in the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, numerous initiatives were held to remember the story of Leonard Peltier and demand his…

Collective murals from Chile to Italy. Interview with Eduardo “Mono” Carrasco

We had the opportunity to interview Eduardo “Mono” Carrasco, a famous Chilean muralist exiled in Italy since the military coup. He still lives in a small village in the province of Alessandria and, although held back by Covid, he is…

Hassana Aalia, the long struggle of the Saharawi people

On 8 November eleven years ago, the experience of 28 days of peaceful encampment in Gdeim Izik ended with the violence of the Moroccan army. We interviewed one of the young protagonists of that experience. I met Hassana Aalia a…

Moni Ovadia’s cry: Freedom for Leonard Peltier!

Following up on the recent campaign launched by the Centre for Peace in Viterbo, we asked the actor Moni Ovadia to make a statement in support of Leonard Peltier. We hope it will be the first in a series that…

Leonard Peltier: how to join a new initiative for his release

For several weeks now, the “Research Centre for Peace, Human Rights and the Defence of the Biosphere” in Viterbo has been gathering support for another form of pressure for the release of Leonard Peltier, who has been unjustly imprisoned for…

June 26-27, 2010, the Landing, the Ship of Rights, From Barcelona to Genoa.

A tribute – 10 years later. The idea of ​​”The landing” was born a year earlier: a ship of Italian expats declared their love for the country they had left and wanted to take part in one of those resistance…

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