
Amy Goodman

Award-winning investigative journalist and syndicated columnist, author and host/executive producer of Democracy Now!

As world calls for Gaza ceasefire, Biden falls short

Israel’s eight-month-old air and ground assault on Gaza has sparked unprecedented international outrage. On 24 May, following an emergency hearing in South Africa’s genocide case against Israel, the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to halt its offensive at Rafah.…

Daniel Ellsberg warns that the risk of nuclear war is growing as tensions over Ukraine and Taiwan escalate.

Daniel Ellsberg, photo 2020 (Image by Christopher Michel photo 2020) In-depth interview with Daniel Ellsberg, the renowned Pentagon Papers whistleblower, who talks about his sustained anti-war activism and analyses the recent leak of Pentagon documents on the war in Ukraine.…

A Pall of Hate Darkens Pride Month

The modern struggle for equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people has been waged for over a century. Despite significant gains, the work is sadly far from over as Pride Month begins. Just as massive plumes of sun-dimming smoke…

The US and climate change: an imperfect bill to deal with a perfect storm

As the planet’s temperature rises, the climate emergency intensifies a little more each day. Heat waves, wildfires, floods and increasingly frequent and powerful hurricanes are costing billions of dollars and causing unprecedented human migration, fuelling conflicts around the world. Despite…

Surprise Election Results in Colombia Usher in a New Political Era

Colombia made history this week. Progressive former M-19 guerrilla Gustavo Petro, a current senator and former mayor of the nation’s capital Bogotá, won the presidential election. His running mate Francia Márquez Mina will be the nation’s first Black vice president.…

Biden Should Grant Executive Clemency to Leonard Peltier Now

Leonard Peltier is a 77-year-old Anishinabe-Lakota Native American activist imprisoned for 46 years for a crime he says he did not commit. Amnesty International calls him a political prisoner. Peltier recently contracted COVID-19 inside the Coleman maximum security federal penitentiary in…

Peace Now in Ukraine

Is a Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent? At the heart of this avoidable catastrophe is Moscow’s concern over the ever-increasing U.S. military threat on its doorstep. Since the Soviet Union fell, the United States, through its NATO allies, has pushed…

Global Wealth Inequality is Fueling the Pandemic and Killing Millions

Oxfam reported this week that the world’s ten richest men saw their wealth double during the pandemic – from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion–while the incomes of 99% of the world’s population dropped. “Widening economic, gender, and racial inequalities—as well…

Martin Luther King’s birthday, racist obstructionism and the fight for voting rights in the US

American democracy is in crisis as Republican supporters of Trump and the January 6, 2021 insurrection on the US Capitol try to restrict or even eliminate the democratic system’s basic principle of “one person, one vote”. Former President Donald Trump…

From AIDS to Omicron, Pharmaceutical Apartheid Hurts Us All

December 1st was World AIDS Day, marking forty years since symptoms were first reported. Over 36 million people have died worldwide from AIDS-related illnesses. The death rate is slowing as effective drug treatments gain wider distribution. But the inequity that…

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