
Amanda Boucault

Amanda Boucault, periodista de São Paulo, Brasil, actualmente cursando un máster en Comunicación de las Organizaciones en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Guy Standing: The Basic Income is a fundamental emancipator policy

For the British economist and co-founder of the Basic Income Earth Network, Basic Income is not a panacea but it helps society to advance to a better life This is the latest in a series of interviews that we have…

Sonja Scherndl: Global problems need global solutions

A member of Share the World’s Resources, she believes there is only one humanity and we must work together for the good of all. Sonja Scherndl works at Share the World’s Resources in London. She first heard about Basic Income…

Cosima Kern: Religion and the belief system are the main challenges of implementing Basic Income in Germany

Cosima Kern is Vice-chair of Germany’s Basic Income Alliance “Bündnis Grundeinkommen”, founded in 2016. The party’s aim is to get established political parties talking about the Basic Income. “We are seeing that many people are interested in Basic Income, more…

Sara Bizarro: “It’s very difficult to make plans when you don’t have a basic income security”

Sara Bizarro, member of BIEN and of USBIG and a research fellow at CEPS, talks about different approaches to Universal Basic Income in the US and in Europe in the full interview she gave for the documentary “UBI, our right…

An economic revolution towards a system of universal benefit

What is the future you aspire to? And how can you contribute to make it happen? These two questions laid the groundwork for the roundtable discussion A New Economy for the Universal Human Nation at the Humanist Forum 2018. Different…

Differently Equal

What common elements do people from different cultures have? In essence, we are human beings with the same needs and abilities. We have principles, projects and beliefs. A heart that loves and suffers. A mind that thinks, knows and communicates.…