
Alyn Ware

Alyn Ware

Alyn Ware is International Representative for Aotearoa Lawyers for Peace and Consultant for the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms. He served as Executive Director of the Lawyers’ Committee on Nuclear Policy from 1992-1999, coordinating the World Court Project campaign on the ICJ Advisory Opinion on legal status of nuclear weapons, and was a volunteer for Greenpeace New Zealand in 1985, showing public over the Rainbow Warrior when it was in Auckland Harbour.

Remember your humanity – Anniversaries of Russell-Einstein Manifesto, ICJ case and Rainbow Warrior bombing

This Thursday, July 9, is the 65th anniversary of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto, a ground-breaking event that gave rise to the establishment of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs in 1957 (awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995) and…

From Prague to a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World: Is President Obama’s vision now achievable?

Four years today, President Obama announced in Prague his vision and commitment to seek a world without nuclear weapons. Alyn Ware, Global Coordinator for Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament, reports on a number of anniversary actions, and asks whether…

Nuclear-weapons-free world – focus of 2014 assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

Nearly 1000 parliamentarians from approximately 150 parliaments, meeting at the 128th Assembly of the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Quito, Ecuador from Mar 22-27, agreed to the topic “Towards a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World: The Contribution of Parliaments” to be the focus…

Turning the Tables: Can us men really understand sexual violence against women?

In the early 1980s, as a student in New Zealand with no income, I could not afford inter-city travel and so spent a lot of time hitch-hiking between my home-town of Tauranga and my university town Hamilton. Once I was…

Costa Rican elected as Chair of new nuclear disarmament process in Geneva

Representatives from over 100 governments met in the Palais des Nations (United Nations) in Geneva today for the first session of an open-ended working group (OEWG) established to take forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations for the achievement and maintenance of…

Nuclear sabre-rattling in North East Asia: Can Godzilla be tamed?

Godzilla, a giant monster mutated by nuclear radiation, first appears in a 1954 Japanese science fiction movie by the same name, ravaging Japan in a symbolic warning about the risks of nuclear weapons. For a couple of decades Godzilla was…

Meteors, nukes and human survival: a wake-up call from Oslo?

Pressenza is covering the upcoming Oslo conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear weapons between on the 4th and 5th of March and the preceding civil society forum starting on the 1st of March.  As part of our coverage Pressenza…

Condemning the murder of Cícero Guedes, leader of the Brazilian Landless Workers’ Movement MST

The Right Livelihood Award Foundation strongly condemns the murder of Cícero Guedes, a leader of the Brazilian Landless Workers’ Movement MST. The MST received the Right Livelihood Award (also known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize”) in 1991. Cícero Guedes dos…

ATOM Project launched at parliamentary assembly in Kazakhstan

The ATOM Project, an exciting new initiative to build global support for nuclear abolition, was launched at a parliamentary assembly in Astana, Kazakhstan on 29 August, the International Day Against Nuclear Tests. The project, entitled Against Testing Our Mission (ATOM),…

Nuclear energy – uncontrollable in time and space

Abolition 2000 message on the nuclear crisis in Japan and around the world. “In solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of victims and survivors of the nuclear energy and weapons industries we call for an end to nuclear energy and weapons – the human and environmental impact of both being uncontrollable in time and space.”

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