
Alice Slater

Alice Slater serves on the Boards of World Beyond War and the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and represents the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation at the UN.

Time for Truth and Reconciliation for the US and Russia

By Alice Slater NATO’s recent provocative decision to build up its military forces across Europe by sending four new multinational battalions to Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland, comes at a time of great turmoil and intense questioning of global security…

Democracy breaks out at the UN as 122 nations vote to ban the bomb

We are witnessing a striking shift in the global paradigm of how the world views nuclear weapons. On July 7, 2017, at a UN Conference mandated by the UN General Assembly to negotiate a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons, the…

Deconstructing the Concept of Security: What Do We Mean When We Talk About Security?

Those of us laboring in the wasteland of nuclear arms control and countless thwarted attempts to abolish nuclear weapons have been witnessing one of the most striking shifts in the global paradigm of how the world thinks about nuclear weapons…

Time to Ban the Bomb

This week, the Chair of an exciting UN initiative formally named the “United Nations Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, Leading Towards their Total Elimination” released a draft treaty to ban and prohibit nuclear weapons…

Seeking Nuclear Disarmament in Dangerous Times

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has championed efforts for nations to make good on their pledges to abolish nuclear weapons. In 2009 he published a five-point proposal for nuclear disarmament, urging nuclear weapons states in particular to fulfill their promises under the…

The United Nations votes to start negotiations to ban the bomb

One hundred and twenty-three nations voted to move forward with negotiations to prohibit nuclear weapons—just as the world has already done for biological and chemical weapons. In a historic vote on October 27 at the United Nations Committee for Disarmament,…

Imagining a World Beyond War

A conference at American University asks a fundamental question: How can ordinary people take action to put an end to war? Over 300 people gathered last week at a conference at American University in Washington, DC, which brought together a…

How we can make our vision of a world without nuclear weapons a reality

This piece by President Barack Obama of the United States, below, was published in the Washington Post on March 30th, shortly before a gathering of dozens of world leaders at the Nuclear Security Summit which attempted to tackle the subject…

On North Korea’s nuclear test

This latest terrifying and dreadful underground nuclear test by North Korea should be a warning to the United States and the other nuclear weapons states, that the longer we continue to modernize and cling to our nuclear arsenals and promote…

After the Iran deal: how to make the most of the next 15 years

If the US wants to make the Iran deal stick, we have to face up to our broken nuclear promises A major sticking point for universal support for the Iran deal is the worry expressed repeatedly by doubters and supporters…

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