
+972 Magazine

+972 Magazine è un blog gestito congiuntamente da un gruppo di giornalisti, blogger e fotografi il cui obiettivo è quello di fornire report e analisi nuovi e originali sugli eventi in Israele e Palestina. Il nostro collettivo è impegnato nella difesa dei diritti umani e della libertà di informazione e si oppone all'occupazione. Tuttavia, +972 Magazine non rappresenta alcuna organizzazione, partito politico o programma specifico. Il nome del sito deriva dal prefisso telefonico che è condiviso da Israele e Palestina.

British Jews are speaking out on Israel. Will the progressive community have our back?

We expected attacks on anti-occupation voices by Britain’s Jewish communal leaders. Now our progressive Jewish institutions are turning their backs on us when we need them most. By Emily Hilton In May of this year, a group of U.K.-based Jewish anti-occupation activists…

Israeli activists bring images of Gaza dead to the heart of Tel Aviv

In the middle of the night, left-wing activists hung 115 kites along Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv’s central street — one for each Palestinian protester killed by Israeli forces during the Great Return March protests. Israeli activists hung 115 black kites…

An end to ‘apartheid polls’ in Israeli media?

Jews-only polls on matters relevant to the entire Israeli public and polls that present Jews-only polls as representing the views of the entire Israeli public constitute discrimination against the country’s Arab population, Israeli Press Council’s Ethics Court rules. By Oren…

The new Jewish-Arab movement that plans to save the Israeli left

Standing Together, a new joint Arab-Jewish movement, is aiming to transform Israeli politics. It won’t be easy, but the Israeli left’s first step back to power might be believing that it can win again. The Israeli left is in the…

Palestinian youth in Nablus: ‘Unite and stop with the division’

Palestinian youth demonstrate in Nablus, demanding peace and calling for non-violent opposition to the occupation. By +972 Magazine Staff Palestinian youth from across the West Bank demonstrated near Al Najah University in Nablus on Monday. The demonstrators held a long…

Dozens of Israeli Teens: ‘We Refuse to Enlist Out of a Commitment to Peace’

Sixty-three Israeli teenagers have published an open letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu on Thursday, declaring their refusal to join the Israeli army due to their opposition to the occupation. The group calls itself the “2017 Seniors’ Letter,” continuing a long…

Tens of thousands of Israeli and Palestinian women walking for peace.

Muslim and Jewish Women have spent the last two weeks marching for peace and even marched outside the Israeli President’s residence. Thanks to Women Wage Peace for their bravery. (Youtube comments) How thousands of Palestinian and Israeli women are waging peace…

The real reason Bibi wants French Jews to move to Israel

By calling on France’s Jews to move to Israel, Netanyahu is promoting a worldview in which there is no national conflict, no occupation and no Palestinian people. There are only Jews and radical Muslims.  The terror attacks in France have caused Netanyahu…

In Gaza, justice delayed is justice denied

Ahmad Abu Raida (Photo courtesy of DCI-Palestine) Israeli army investigators have not even contacted the teenage victim of one of the few alleged war crimes it says it is probing. More than two months after Israel’s assault on Gaza began, victims…

One- or two-state solution? The answer is both (or neither) by Noam Sheizaf The two-state solution is not a progressive cause and neither is a single-state solution — they are just possible means to an end. The only possible goal for progressive politics in Israel/Palestine can be full human,…

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