These include actions to measure and make public data on external and
internal exposure to radiation, to provide public consultation and medical advice, food measurements,
to provide support for voluntary evacuees and to decontaminate the radiation-affected areas.
Citizens’ groups present will be:
Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation (Kodomo Fukushima)

Established by parents concerned about the impact of radiation on their children on May 1, 2011.
The Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation (Kodomo Fukushima) has petitioned the
Japanese government to re-evaluate the 20 mSV/hr dose limit of radiation exposure, provide support
for voluntary evacuees, decontaminate the radiation-affected areas and take measures to reduce the
radiation exposure of our children, among others. The network holds seminars and events on a regular
basis to promote a better understanding of radiation among the general public, and provides
consultations on evacuation, amongst others. It coordinated the February 11-12 National Summit for
evacuation, linking groups throughout Japan to help evacuate families and provide children with
temporary respite outside of Fukushima.

Citizen’s Radioactivity Measuring Station ( []( )
The CRMS Project was launched as an effort to minimize exposure to harmful levels of radiation, as
independent monitoring has shown that the release of radiation is contrary to projections made by the
government. The project measures external and internal radioactivity, provides public consultation,
installs monitoring stations (geiger counters), collects and publishes data on radiation measurements,
and trains the local population on radiation measuring, providing them with the information and support
to take necessary decisions. The organization is active in linking expertise from Japan with the
international community, including organising the October 2011 International Conference of Citizens
and Scientists.

Date: Saturday, March 3, 2012

Time: Opens 15:00, Briefing 15:30 – 16:30, Individual interviews 16:30 – 18:00

Venue: Chamber Omachi (チェンバ大町), Omachi 4-15, Fukushima City
[]( Tel: 024-522-4841
10 mins walk from Fukushima Station


• SATO Sachiko – Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation Board Member,
organic farmer and mother of two. Coordinating the “Yasai Cafe” (vegetable cafe) project to
provide safe vegetables for children in Fukushima.

• ABE Nobuyuki – Citizens’ Radioactivity Measuring Station Board Member, Communications

• TAKAHASHI Seiko – Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation Secretary, mother
of a teenage child. Runs a ‘cafe’ for consultation for mothers in Fukushima.

• Others TBC

• Moderator: Aileen Mioko Smith (Executive Director, Green Action)


Aileen Mioko Smith (Green Action), Tel: 090-3620-9251, Email: [](

Meri Joyce (Peace Boat), Tel: 080-3457-9714, Email: [](