New York City, the International Civic Committee based in NY, wants to generate awareness about the need for democratic exercise to vote in the national referendum that seeks to validate the agreements at the negotiating table in Havana that would end the Colombian armed conflict.
The International Civic Committee, rolled out this campaign to inform Colombians living, on the advantages that would be the end of the war with the FARC and the benefits that entails as well as the consequences of abstaining from voting or the triumph of the NO in the plebiscite for peace. This campaign has no political connections to any particular party or politician.
The Sancocho for the YES to peace “The flavors that war took away from us”, took place in the area of Corona Plaza of New York City on August 20th. The discussion was open to all Colombians who want a real change for the country, as well as those who are not in favor of the referendum, so we can open spaces for a real discussion and share one of the most traditional foods of our Colombia.
The International Civic Committee, created from the concern of several Colombians abroad in this breaking point of Colombian history seeks to contribute to the country through actions that reflect the feelings of many, translating this historical moment into a definitive peace and continue to support the peace process afterwards by monitoring the post-conflict era.