Yesterday, in the Hall of the Former Presidents, in the National Assembly of Ecuador, a public forum took place with the title “Towards a Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty”. It’s of great importance that such an event could take place because it is one step further in the necessary change that the planet must make to ensure life on our planet.
Information was presented by Carlos Umaña, president of the Costa Rican affilate of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and Tony Robinson, member of the humanist organisation World without Wars and co-director of Pressenza, which brought home the gravity of the matter that should not be far from anyone’s consciousness, including implications for health care, nutrition, climate change and life itself on the planet.
The need for political responses in this field given the planetary proportions that the issue of a possible nuclear war raise was also made clear. In this context, the participation of Assembly Member, Maria Augusta Calle, vicepresident of the Committee on Sovereignty, Integration, International Relations and Integral Security, and sponsor of the resolution passed on the 15th of December, was key, together with that of María del Carmen Estupiñán, in representation of the President of the Ecuador National Assembly.
Around 80 people took part among which were delegates from the Embassies of Argentina, Cuba, Russia and Uruguay, as well as students from the Central University, Politecnica Salesiana, and the Catholic University. In addition, pupils from the Sucre Technical College took part together with representatives from the organisations: The Community for Human Development, COPEHU (the Universalist Humanist Current of Pedagogy), and CORAPE (Educational Popular Radio Stations of Ecuador) among others.