The 3rd World March is also a concrete action in solidarity with migrants.

On October 7, Guatemala officially welcomed the Third World March for Peace and Nonviolence. The day of the Base Team was extensive, starting early in the morning with a 3km Walk for Peace, which attracted the attention of neighbors and local police, who came to provide security until reaching the site where the Latin American Monument to the First World March for Peace and Nonviolence was built, alluding to the marchers “For their enormous effort to bring the message of peace and nonviolence to Latin America”, as the plaque installed in front of the monument reads.

On this occasion, the Base Team carried out cleaning work at the Monument and its surroundings, motivating municipal officials who sent 2 trucks of workers to help clean the roads and collect garbage.
In addition, the marchers paid tribute to the work, highlighting the importance of continuing the struggle for peace and non-violence in the context of global challenges. There they also renewed their ethical commitment to use their knowledge in favor of humanity and the construction of the Universal Human Nation.

Three hours later, a caravan composed of marchers, cyclists and vans departed from the Aqua Caliente customs office, on the border with Honduras, to arrive at the monument “Open Door to Peace” in the center of Esquipulas. There, the participants were welcomed by Mayor Carlos Alberto Portilla Palma and other local authorities.

All members of the base team, including Alberto Vasquez, the March’s referent in Guatemala, and Rafael De La Rubia, the March’s Coordinator, placed a white rose at the Peace monument, underlining the importance of the initiative and recalling how the city has always been present in the two previous World Marches, as well as in the Central American March.

“It fills us with pride that today you, promoters of peace and nonviolence in the world, recognize the legacy of this town and keep it alive,” said the Mayor.

Esquipulas has been an important site for peace and reconciliation in the Central American region since the Esquipulas I and Esquipulas II peace accords took place here.

Esquipulas is not only a historical and pilgrimage town, famous for its cathedral with the Black Christ, but also represents a crossing point for many migrants in transit to Mexico and the United States. For this reason, the base team also visited the shelter “Casa del Migrante”, offering their support as volunteers for a few hours, some in the kitchen, others in the order and storage of cleaning implements and others with the entertainment of the children.

With this activity, the Base Team demonstrates that the Third World March is also a concrete action in solidarity with the migrant person, in solidarity with those displaced by the effect of economic violence, and sending a message of solidarity with migrants and towards the valuable volunteer work that so many people do in many parts of the planet.

The March is not only a collective call to social action but also an internal path of personal growth.

En la ruta
Con los participantes