by Emerson Castaneda Soriano

Last August 16, the College of Nursing and School of Midwifery conducted the 2nd Clinical Graduation and Ring hop Ceremony held at the Baguio Central University’s Function Hall with this year’s theme: “Excellence in Action: Caring with Passion and Integrity.”

Present during the event were the Vice President for Academic Affairs – Dr. Elma D. Donaal, the different deans, Dr. Genevieve B. Kupang of the Graduate School, Dean Becca Palitayan of the College of Criminal Justice Education, and Dr. Michael T . Sebullen, the Director for Research.

The ceremonies began with a thanksgiving service officiated by Rev. Conrad E. Tomilas after which he blessed the rings and prayed for the honorees.

Blessing of the rings by Rev. Conrad E, Tomiles assisted by dr, Gina L. Casi-Dean of the College of Nursing and School of Midwifery, Dr. Priscilla B. Dela Cruz – Nursing Coordinator and Dr. Ailen Rafael – Midwifery Coordinator.

Opening the ceremony was our own Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Elma D. Donaal welcoming the graduates and their parents, guests, the deans of the different colleges, the faculty and staff of the College of Nursing and School of Midwifery.

Followed by Dr. Gina L. Casi, Dean of the College of Nursing and School of Midwifery who presented the 15 Midwifery graduates and 32 Nursing candidates for clinical graduation and ring hop ceremony batch 2024.








Priscilla B. Dela Cruz – Nursing Coordinator presenting the ring to one of the nursing graduates with her proud parent. Collegiate rings were then given to the graduating class accompanied by their parents/guardians who were blessed by Rev. Conrad E. Tomilas.

Dr. Florence C. Cawaon was the guest speaker, the former Vice President for Academic Affairs (2012-2014), Dean of the College of Nursing and Midwifery, and Graduate Program Coordinator (2007-2012) of Baguio Central University, gave her meaningful message to the graduating class reflecting on this year’s theme “Excellence in Action: Caring with Passion and Integrity” summing up the essence of both nursing and midwifery…”Caring is central in the health care profession and caring with passion and integrity means going beyond the simple act of caring.”

Dr. Cawaon further discussed the attributes of caring including compassion, competence, conscience, confidence, commitment, and behavior to their chosen career; the importance of caring for passion and ultimately caring with integrity that a health worker should bear.









After the well-applauded speech of the guest speaker, the Graduates of the Midwifery class recited their Midwifery pledge and the Florence Nightingale Pledge of the Nursing Graduating class. Singing of the graduation song “Breakaway” soon followed.







Certificates of recognition were awarded to deserving graduating students who had shown excellence in both their academic and clinical performances. As a response, the students gave tribute to their parents and guardians with a song and the outgoing CONSM Governor Sairah N. Kikigue gave an emotional tribute to the mentors.

The other highlight of the ceremony was each group from the midwifery and nursing graduating class
showed short videos reminiscing their years of studies and training as midwifery and nursing students.

About The Author:


Emerson Castaňeda Soriano is a faculty member of The College of Nursing and College of Midwifery at Baguio Central University. He currently teaches Biochemistry, Microbiology and Parasitology.