Let’s all join this important Joint Ceremony that will take place tomorrow evening, May 12, as a way of sharing memories and sorrows from both Israeli and Palestinian communities, for their deceased.

The initiative marks the 19th year of peace building activism of ‘Combatants for Peace’ an NGO created by former Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants, that last year enjoyed the participation of 15.000 people in a Park in Tel Aviv and over 150.000 attending on line.

This year no live ceremony will be possible due to the on going war in Gaza and the increasing tension in Israel and the Ceremony will take place only on line. Let’s ALL register and share this invitation, as sign of solidarity and support more than ever needed NOW

If you would like to watch the ceremony online please join us at 8:30pm Jerusalem time on Sunday 12th May via this link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMPw1LXfFXA

Time of broadcasting: 7 pm in Europe; 12 am in NY; 10 am LA.


Register to watch online or host a screening