The first session of the International Court of Justice took place yesterday, live worldwide. It was South Africa’s day [during] which [it] explained with several interventions the reasons for accusing Israel of genocide. [These were] above all, the declarations of Israeli ministers, deputies and soldiers who define the Palestinians as “subhuman animals” (Galant, Minister of War), the calls to use the atomic bomb on Gaza, the declarations for deportation and ethnic replacement made by two other ministers, in addition to the declarations of UN officials on the dramatic situation and the blocking of humanitarian aid to make the population die of thirst and hunger, the destruction, and the expulsion of the vast majority to makeshift camps. “There is intent and action to carry out genocide,” one of the South African lawyers said in an interview. Today it is the defense of Israel.

The first day greatly irritated Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu; [it] annoyed and worried [him] because the time of impunity for Israel is over; for the first time, he was unable to use the blunt weapon of the accusation of anti-Semitism because the International Court of Justice is the result of an international consensus after the Second World War to prevent the repetition of the genocides carried out by the Nazi-fascists. Netanyahu, however, accused South Africa of hypocrisy and of being the spokesperson of Hamas.

Chile has also decided to turn to the International Criminal Court to request an investigation into the Israeli government’s aggression in the Gaza Strip.

The announcement was made by the Chilean ambassador to the UN, Paula Narváez who, after speaking with President Gabriel Boric and Foreign Minister Alberto van Klaveren, informed the General Assembly of the decision.