On the occasion of the World Day of Palliative Care, the “Together we care better” Awards Forum was held on October 17th in the Auditorium of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos in Madrid, organised by the organisation Al final de la vida.

At this event REHUNO Salud received the award for Awareness and Communication in Palliative Care. This award recognises the work of the Humanist Health News Network in disseminating information and raising awareness about good dying and the need to humanise health.

At the event there were interventions from various entities committed to the need to change the look at the process of dying and it was emphasised that it is necessary to humanise this process through human and community accompaniment, as well as to provide the necessary budget for palliative care units in health centres.

There was poetry, music, humour and an atmosphere of hope in the change that is taking place in society with regard to death ceasing to be a taboo and being understood as part of human reality.  The process of dying cannot be neglected or set aside, but must be accompanied from the heart and with the best resources so that it can be lived without suffering and with acceptance based on understanding and peace.

Image (At the end of life)

From REHUNO Salud we congratulate the other four awarded entities and we hope to continue growing, sharing and working in the Spanish Network of Palliative Care and End of Life, of which we are part.

The other four award winners are:

Ambulancia del deseo

People who care

Paliaclinic Foundation

Why live Foundation

Thanks to all of you for making it possible!