THE HAGUE, 18 March 2015 – On 22 March 2015 we celebrate World Water Day. Everyone has a right to safe water and sanitation. How can we make sure that people who get water and sanitation services, also keep them? Share your stories!
Today, we want to congratulate all professionals and development workers out there who work hard to make water and sanitation services last. We want to hear your stories! What are you doing to make sustainable services a reality?
2015 will be the year the world gets serious about sustainability. In the coming months the new Sustainable Development Goals are launched that aim to bring basic access to safe water and sanitation for everyone by 2030. This is a major challenge – 1 in 9 people across the globe lack safe water, 1 in 3 lack access to improved sanitation, 1 billion still practice open defecation – but the goals offer a great chance to speed up development.
At IRC we believe that the success of the new targets largely depends on local governments – they need to invest to keep water running and prevent human waste from contaminating the environment. It is up to the population to keep its government accountable and up to donors and supporters to help provide water and sanitation services that last.
IRC will share its stories this year of people across the world who work hard to make water and sanitation services sustainable. And we want you to do the same! Help us find remarkable people who deserve a moment in the spotlight! People that have made a significant change in the communities they live in. Contribute to our campaign #30waysWASH transforms people’s lives! In the coming months, share your images, short stories, one-minute video clips or audio fragments on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook on how you are making a change.
Finally, while counting down to the launch of the new development targets at the end of this year, keep a close watch on our homepage for inspiring stories on water and sanitation, read and subscribe to our newsletter E-Source or contact one of our experts to find out what is happening and what they do to help make the new Sustainable Development Goals a reality.
Let 2015 be the year the world got serious about sustainability.
Happy World Water Day!