The obstinacy of stock-market gurus and their prescriptions for the economic health of different countries are contradicted by the efficacy of the treatment in their populations. The illness of hunger, endemic now for a long time, unemployment, housing instability and the systematic amputation of social services are undermining the self-esteem of the people and are leaving a trail of suicides, desperate people and a hard core of despair.
This is the way these financial technocrats work. They calculate until what point they can continue to suck the people’s blood without killing the Goose that laid the Golden Eggs. The International Banking System has placed their henchmen and apprentice vampires in positions of power in the most important governments of the planet. And they weave their agreements with the biggest exploiters of natural resources, the military-industrial complex, big Pharma and the large-scale distributors of their products.
So those who give us food to eat, who heal us, who educate us, and who manage our leisure time are the 1% of the population who do business and multiply their profits in the measure that they extend their tentacles.
The response
The docility shown by countries such as France, which has put a Rothschild’s banker in the Finance Ministry in order to strengthen the 40 most important companies in France, or the European Union in its entirety under Juncker, the architect of the biggest money-laundering and tax-evasion network on the planet, is being counter-balanced by the tendencies that were launched in the New World at the dawn of the 21st century.
The decision by Hugo Chavez infected countries with extreme political-economic complexity such as Brazil and Argentina that were coming from the neo-liberal spring that razed ideologies and people to the ground and that was felt as a truly nuclear winter. Within a short time this “evil of populism” had reached Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador and Uruguay but met more resistance in Peru, Chile and Colombia.
But South America is showing signs that it is possible to escape from financial check. Neither the World Bank, nor the IMF could continue to seduce with combinations that have dismayed entire generations, leading the continent to suffer the biggest rates of inequality on the planet and convert it into a violent and dangerous continent.
The patients’ change of behaviour has renewed their vitality and the horizon of survival could start to be seen in the longer term. There was hope of recovery and there was enough autonomy to continue alternative treatments and even to interchange between themselves about what worked best and what was worth trying.
Europe is showing signs of starting to rebel against the hegemonic diagnosis. Syriza has, in a short time, managed to emerge as an alternative in a country subjected to a terminal illness, where a worrying ascent of the extreme right made one foresee a complete Greek derailment. Nevertheless they have fought against discouragement and a permanently-injected fear and they have even managed to beat the fraudulent obstacles that were placed by the established political power (Thousands of Greeks over the age of 18 were left unable to vote because it was assumed that they would support the left-wing coalition of Tsipras).
Today, the Spanish people can give a solid backing to Podemos, with the March of Change, so that they too become a real possibility for governing their country and breathe oxygen into the European continent in its need for resistance against the mandates of the troika.
The smear campaigns happening across Europe are very crude and try to show South America as a nest of populism and corruption, with countries run by authoritarian chiefs. Public opinion has lost confidence in the media so they start to question the caricaturisation of politics. And, the new transforming political movements (Podemos, Syriza, the French Left Front) show the need for inspiration in the processes experienced in Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia in order to find policies that put people ahead of Capital.
Post script
It’s shameful to see the US President preferring to take part in the funeral of a “dear friend”, the king of cut-throats, Abdullah of Arabia, than participate in the commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the end of the Nazi death camps in Auschwitz.
Christine Lagarde, IMF president, not only had the impudence to claim that the financier of Al Qaeda and Islamic State was an exceptional statesman and ally of the great powers, but also took cynicism to the extreme by describing King Abdullah as “a defender of women’s rights”, forgetting completely that Saudi Arabia is the country where those rights are most humiliatingly violated.
The dead are forgiven everything and their slate is wiped clean or they are shown hanging from a rope or lynched on live TV depending on their relationship with the planet’s “winners”, in other words, that 1% that wants to impose their wellbeing at any cost.