Call to support the start of multilateral nuclear disarmament deliberations and negotiations

January 27, Geneva

Ambassador Lomonaco of Mexico, the new President of the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, today submitted a draft Program of Work (WP 584) with a call to CD members to adopt this as soon as possible – perhaps by January 29. (See Statement of Ambassador Lomonaco).

The draft calls for negotiations on:

  • a treaty ba nning the production of fissile materials;
  • effective measures on the progressive reduction and ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons, including the possibility of a global treaty to prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons;
  • legal arrangements to prevent the deployment of weapons in outer space;
  • legally binding assurances by nuclear-armed States on the non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear States;
  • measures to prevent the production and use of radiological weapons;
  • & nbsp;        elements of a program for general and complete disarmament;
  • agreements to enhance transparency.

Aware that similar proposals in the past have been deadlocked, Ambassador Lomonoco appealed to delegations to ta ke a fresh approach in order to facilitate agreement. In particular he noted that some delegations might have reservations on some of the proposed agreements, but they should not use this as a reason for blocking the adoption of the work plan and the commencement of negotiations. Indeed, he reminded delegations that agreement to start negotiations does not necessarily imply that all of the negotiations will reach agreement on instruments to adopt.

Thus, adopting the work program does not mean agreeing to everything – it means agreeing to a compromise in order to commence work. “Adopting it is a simple action anywhere outside of this room, out in the world ‘normal’ world,” Lomonaco said.  “Ask your capital if they c an live with it.  They don’t have to love it.”

The NGO Committee for Disarmament has asked disarmament campaigners to take action by contacting your foreign ministries to urge support for the work program. Below is a sample letter:

Today, 27 January 2015, in Geneva, the Conference on Disarmament received a draft Program of Work for prompt action. 

The draft (CD/WP 584) focuses on moving the CD to fulfil its mandate, namely, to negotiate disarmament agreements in core areas of its work.

 We urge our government to support the adoption of this Program of Work as a necessary step in re-starting negotiations at the CD. 

We note that all disarmament treaties negotiated since 1996 have been negotiated outside the CD, in healthier environments.

If the CD chooses to remain deadlocked, solutions to the critical global issues on the CD agenda will have to be found elsewhere. 

 We look to you to support adoption of WP 584 and to join resolutely in ensuring that constructive and conclusive negotiations follow.


For further information contact:

Jonathan Frerichs

Chair, NGO Committee for Disarmament, Geneva

programme executive, peace-building & disarmament

CCIA, World Council of Churches

Geneva, Switzerland

Tel:         (41) 22 791 6554
