New Delhi, India: Sudhir Gandotra, active member of New Universalistic Humanism in New Delhi, spoke out about his beloved India yesterday:
“For the 66th year in a row, with more than 60% of the farming population under serious stress, which is causing daily suicides; increasing unemployment, which means increasing crimes and drug-addiction; increasing threats to our women, children and elderly; increasing closure of local companies, and many other problems, we, the people of India, still have hopes of becoming a True Democratic Republic.
I, salute to this undying hope, to this strong wish, to this positivity and I am sure that a new India will arise from within us, despite the politician-criminal-manipulators who seem to have the nation in their vice-grip.”
Photo: Pictures from protest in Jaitapur yesterday (27 January 2015) where hundreds of farmers protested against the Modi government’s bid to placate the USA nuclear suppliers during Obama’s India visit.
On nuclear power Sudhir Gandotra said: “Nuclear power stations should not be allowed at all. They are really intended to process materials for nuclear weapons. Power can be produced a lot more cheaper and safely through solar and wind, plus from localised hydro projects and the like.”
He was speaking following the deals made between the USA and India during president Obama’s recent visit to India, clinched with India’s new president, Modi.
“They have worked overtime to get the insurance law made through the back-door, when it comes to nuclear suppliers’ liability, those payments will be made through the fund created by our national insurance companies. This effectively means, that mistakes of USA companies that could cause deaths as happened with the infamous Bhopal Gas accident, the compensation will be paid by the Indian tax payers – while the USA companies will just disappear like Anderson and party did in 1984.
“In such circumstances, when we see some accusing the politicians on both sides of dancing to the tune of big money, one tends to agree.
“Is that fair? Is that Democracy? Is that the breakthrough achieved in Indo-US relationships? The nation, that pays for it all, deserves a clear answer!”