O, lord of all divinity,

I ask for your guiding grace and beauty.


In this world, a wondrous rainbow

Of races, colors, and creeds,


How can we continue down this path of impunity.

Show us a new path, a new horizon for all.


Let divine light enter our hearts

And illuminate our minds.


Let greed turn into generosity,

Let lies give way to truth.


Let discord turn into harmony,

Let corruption crumble away.


Let thievery turn into honesty,

Fanaticisms into tolerance.


Let war turn into peace.

Let terror vanish into the air.


O, lord of all divinity,

I bow down to your grace and beauty.


Let all human beings shine, whoever they may be,

Not one above the other, not one.


Our souls are all entwined, our lives interconnected,

Our destiny, our fates, we all share.


There is a muse that’s sleeping within,

A creative spirit we can unleash.


Spin new visions of a reality,

Multi-hued multi-colored, for one and all.


O, lord of all divinity,

Light that guides us to all things good and true.


May this hymn be heard and sung,

May it be a song that inspires.


This world belongs to one and all,

Who live and breathe, who dream and hope.


We, in the end, exist

For one and the other, for everyone.