If you don’t want to love
I’ll take care of it
I will love.


If you don’t want to smile
I’ll take care of it
I will smile.


If you don’t want to give yourself
I’ll take care of it
I’ll give myself to you, to her and to him


If you don’t wish to enjoy
Grow heady with the fragrance
of the garden
or taste the sweetness
of the spring air
as night is just falling…


If you don’t wish to caress
the splendor of the known
and of future knowing


If you don’t want to move on
along the mysterious paths
…because thornbushes will prick
…nettles will scratch
and the river rapids
will hurl you to wherever
it is they end


…because you only want to go
where you’ve already been
…because you only want to be
where you already have everything


Well, I’ll take care of it.


I’ll be an explorer in the Amazon
I’ll be a climber of the Andes
I’ll learn to fly in my dreams
I will follow eternal love
And when the moment comes for dying
I’ll take care of it as well
and be reborn…


And how many centuries will it take
for you to understand me
How many bonds will need
how many more lives
till you are freed


I cannot take care of that.


I can only hold my hand out to you
Even if you won’t see it
or take it
I can love you quietly
without caring if you’ll ever know
Or knowing —
value it.


Simply because it is my essence
my nature and my joy
to take care of it and live
Loving you
loving her
loving him.